05-Apr-16 16:09

Paul Tunnell was assigned a new result for the event: Southern Counties CU (Sporting) (SPOCO SE)

10 M - timetrial
  • Time: 00:29:51
  • Position: 49
05-Apr-16 16:09

Paul Tunnell was assigned a new result for the event: Southern Counties CU (Sporting)

25 M - timetrial
  • Time: 1:14:23
  • Position: 43
05-Apr-16 16:08

Paul Tunnell was assigned a new result for the event: Southern Counties CU

50 M - timetrial
  • Time: 2:22:53
  • Position: 44
05-Apr-16 16:08

Paul Tunnell was assigned a new result for the event: Southern Counties CU

100 M - timetrial
  • Time: 4:41:03
  • Position: 25
05-Apr-16 16:08

Paul Tunnell was assigned a new result for the event: Bec CC (50% Veterans)(Inc. VTTA Sry/Ssx)

25 M - timetrial
  • Time: 1:05:02
  • Position: 57