12-Apr-17 16:17

Colin Mooney entered the event tornado road cycling club

10 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 30 Apr 2017
10-Apr-17 15:07

Colin Mooney was assigned a new result for the event: ...a3crg (road bikes)

23 M - timetrial
  • Time: 1:01:48
  • Position: 15
07-Apr-17 08:46

Colin Mooney was assigned a new result for the event: fareham wheelers cc (sporting)(road bikes)

10 M - timetrial
  • Time: 00:25:53
  • Position: 7
22-Mar-17 20:41

Colin Mooney was assigned a new result for the event: sotonia cc (sporting) (Road Bikes only)

23 Km - timetrial
  • Time: 00:42:05
  • Position: 27
22-Mar-17 15:06

Colin Mooney was assigned a new result for the event: antelope rt (2-up ttt)(fee per rider)

10 M - timetrial
  • Time: DNS
  • Position: DNS