20-Apr-19 22:07

Ellis Murray entered the event Croft 10 mile TT Series (Come and try it events)(All welcome)(1 of 4)(under 18's)

10 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 22 May 2019
20-Apr-19 22:07

Ellis Murray entered the event Cleveland Coureurs / VTTA (North)(All Ages)(Cheques to G Russell)(Entries close 03/05/19)

10 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 11 May 2019
20-Apr-19 22:07

Ellis Murray entered the event Hartlepool CC / VTTA (North)(All Ages)(Cheques to Hartlepool CC)

10 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 25 May 2019
24-Mar-19 19:02

Ellis Murray was assigned a new result for the event: Teesdale CRC (Sporting Course)

21 M - timetrial
  • Time: 1:03:25
  • Position: 29
27-Sep-18 19:46

Ellis Murray was assigned a new result for the event: Hartlepool CC/VTTA (North)(All Ages)(Cheques to Hartlepool CC)

25 M - timetrial
  • Time: DNF
  • Position: DNF