22-Sep-16 11:39

Matthew Davies was assigned a new result for the event: weaver valley cc

0 M - hill climb
  • Time: 00:19:53
  • Position: 4
05-Sep-16 13:51

Matthew Davies was assigned a new result for the event: RTTC National Championship (Men)(south dc)(entries close 26/07/16)

10 M - timetrial
  • Time: 00:22:06
  • Position: 16
05-Sep-16 11:40

Matthew Davies was assigned a new result for the event: chester rc

50 M - timetrial
  • Time: DNS
  • Position: DNS
29-Aug-16 09:50

Matthew Davies was assigned a new result for the event: north shropshire wheelers (wcttca 9 of 11)(scca 17 of 18)

25 M - timetrial
  • Time: DNS
  • Position: DNS
15-Aug-16 13:52

Matthew Davies was assigned a new result for the event: nova raiderscc (charity event)(scca 16 of 18)

25 M - timetrial
  • Time: 00:51:57
  • Position: 1