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Standing Orders

Applicable to all meetings of the National Council, National Committee, District Councils, District Committees and all Sub-Committees, except where specifically stated.

1. Observance of the Rules
Meetings to discuss any business of the Company shall be held in accordance with the Rules.

2. District Council Chair
The Chair of a District Council shall preside at all meetings of the District Council and District Committee.

3. Sub-Committee Chair and Secretary
A Sub-Committee shall elect a Chair and a Secretary from among its members at its first meeting, and they shall continue in office so long as the Sub-Committee is in being.

4. Temporary Chair 
In the absence of the Chair of the Company or of the Chair of any District Council, any Committee or Sub-Committee, those present shall elect one of their number to preside. Such temporary Chair shall vacate the chair on the arrival of the Chair.

5. Chair's Vote
The Chair of the Company or of any District Council shall have a casting vote, but shall not have the power to adjourn any meeting without the consent of the meeting.

6. Chair's Power
The Chair of the Company or of any District Council shall have discretion to refuse or to defer any motion of closure unless satisfied that reasonable opportunity has been allowed for discussion of the matter that is before the meeting at the time.
The Chair of the Company or of any District Council shall have power also to decide points of order and the priority of speakers, and the Chair's decisions upon these matters and upon the interpretation of the normal rules of debate shall be final.

7. A Quorum
For District Council meetings a quorum shall consist of delegates from not less than five of the clubs eligible to be represented. If a quorum is not present within 10 minutes of the time appointed for holding such a meeting the Chair shall have the power to proceed as if a quorum were present.

For District Committee meetings a quorum shall consist of not less than five of the members of the District Committee. If a quorum is not present within 10 minutes of the time appointed for holding such a meeting the Chair shall have the power to proceed as if a quorum were present.

8. Business of a Meeting
The business of a meeting shall be transacted in the following order: Minutes and their confirmation; Matters arising from the Minutes; Correspondence; Reports of Committees and/or Officers; Matters for debate; General business. The business of a National Council Meeting shall be transacted in accordance with Articles 12-23. The order of business may be varied by consent of a two- thirds majority of those present and voting.

9. The Agenda
Motions on the Agenda for any meeting of the National Council or of a District Council may be moved and seconded by any delegate. Amendments to motions on the Agenda for such meetings may also be moved and seconded by any delegate except that amendments to any motion may not be moved or seconded by a delegate from the body submitting the motion.

10. Not on the Agenda
Any matter not on the agenda papers for any meeting of a District Council may be brought forward without notice providing that it does not involve alteration of the Rules or Regulations or Standing Orders, and subject to the consent of two-thirds of those present and voting.

11. Notice of Meeting
The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting by any person to whom such notice ought to be given shall not invalidate the proceedings at such meeting nor shall either the accidental omission to send a copy of the agenda paper of such meeting to or the non-receipt of a copy of the agenda paper by any person to whom the same ought to be sent under any of the standing orders invalidate the proceedings at such meetings.

12. Re-discussion of Propositions
Propositions which have been voted upon at any meeting of the National Council shall not be re-discussed by the National Council within a period of six months, except upon a resolution passed by four-fifths of those present and voting.

13. District Committee Vacancies
A District Committee shall have the power to fill any district vacancy.

14. Voting
Voting at all meetings in cases where the Rules do not provide for a ballot, may be by show of hands. A ballot shall be taken at the request of one-third of those present.

15. Confidential Discussions
Matters discussed at any Committee or Sub-Committee meeting shall be deemed private and confidential, unless released for publication.

16. Matter for Publication
At the conclusion of each meeting of the National Committee or any District Committee the Secretary shall be instructed upon those matters concerning which a report of the discussion and voting can be forwarded to the Cycling Press and those other newspapers that specifically invite such information to be supplied. Representatives of the Press as such shall be admitted to meetings of the National and District Councils but not to committee meetings.

17. Appeal Committee
No person other than the parties to the proceedings and their authorised representatives and witnesses may be present at any proceedings heard by an Appeal Committee. No report of the proceedings shall be published other than the findings or decision of the Committee.