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National Championships Conditions




(Promoted by Cycling Time Trials)

1    General Conditions

(a) The Rules and Regulations of the Company shall be observed in the promotion of all National Championships except that the appropriate Championship Conditions shall prevail in the event of any variation between such conditions and the Rules and Regulations of the Company.

(b) The Promoting Secretary or other appointed official of a Championship shall not be competitors in such championship.

(c)  A Championship event may be commercially sponsored.

(i)  No  sponsorship shall be accepted until the terms are approved by the Board.

(ii)   Should one or more parties wish to cover part of the costs of a Championship,

i.e. printing, competitors’ numbers, marshals’ clothing, supply of refreshments, etc., they should not be discouraged from so doing. Acknowledgements may appear on the start and result cards but the event will not be considered as being sponsored by any one of these benefactors and may not be advertised by them as such.

(iii)  Sponsors may defray entry fees of all competitors, including the levy.

(iv) The Championship must not assume the name of the sponsor(s) or product(s). The title “RTTC Championship” is paramount. The title of the event to be shown on all start and result cards, posters and any literature appertaining to the event will be: The “(year miles/hours) National Championship” followed by the words “Promoted for and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials sponsored by...”

(v) Sponsors shall be free to display posters, etc., round the course and elsewhere in accordance with the foregoing proviso. In displaying such posters care should be taken not to infringe planning regulations nor to offend local property owners or members of the public.

2    RTTC National Championships - Events, Awards and Competitor Conditions

(a) Residential/Nationality eligibility – Such Championships except the Youth 10 (see National Championship Condition 7), shall be open to first claim members of clubs affiliated to Cycling Time Trials (except members of the Headquarters Club). All competitors must have proven British nationality or have been continuously resident in Great Britain for the previous two years. Dispensation may be granted by the National Secretary for British Citizens who are members of foreign clubs/teams.

(b)  Type of machine – All Championships shall be confined to single bicycles and tricycles.

(c) Team Awards are made to the fastest three eligible riders from the same club whose aggregate time is faster, or aggregate distance is greater, than that of any other club team. Riders who have changed clubs during the current season and who have been accepted for an earlier Championship in the name of a different club are not eligible for team awards.

(d) Entry to Championships is made on the appropriate Standard Entry Form. Qualifying performances are limited to the fastest performance in Cycling Time Trials Open and Association events since January 1st of the year prior to the Championship being entered and riders meeting the residential/national eligibility criteria who were placed in the top three of the Men’s, Women’s, Espoir’s or Junior British Time Trial Championship in the current or previous year.

(e) Unless otherwise varied the closing date for entries shall be not later than the Tuesday 19 days prior to the Hill Climb, and 25/26 days prior to the event in the case of all other Championships. Any variance to this must be approved by the Board of Cycling Time Trials and clearly shown in the handbook entry.

(f) Championship Trophies – Each individual and team Champion shall be entitled to hold the appropriate RTTC trophy during the ensuing year.

Distance/ Eligible Max Number of   Principal Awards       Age Category Awards    
Event Categories         Competitors Open Female Junior Youth Team Overall 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 17, 18   40-44,45-49,50-54,55-59,60-64,65-69,70-74,75-79,80-84,85-90
10/GHS Under 17 on 31 August (O+F) All Qualifiers 1,2,3 1,2,3     1 1 O + 1 F NA NA
10 J (0+F) 150 (25% F)* 1,2,3 1,2,3     1 1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F NA
10 O 150 1,2,3 NA     1 NA NA 1
10 F 150 NA 1,2,3     1 NA NA 1
25 J (O+F) 150 (25% F)* 1,2,3 1,2,3     1 1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F NA
25 O 150 1,2,3 NA     1 NA NA 1
25 F 150 NA 1,2,3     1 NA NA 1
50 O 150 1,2,3 NA     1 NA NA 1
50 F 150 NA 1,2,3     1 NA NA 1
100 All 180 (150 O max.) 1,2,3 1,2,3     1 O +1 F NA NA 1 O +1 F 
12 hour All 150 1,2,3 1,2,3     1 O + 1 F NA NA 1 O +1 F 
24 hour All 150 1,2,3 1,2,3     1 O + 1 F NA NA 1 O + 1 F
Hill Climb All 180(25% F, 25% J)** 1,2,3 1,2,3 1O/2O/3O     1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F
3-up TTT All 60 Teams (25% F)* 1,2,3 1,2,3     NA NA NA NA
Para & Hand Cyclists All   1,2,3 1,2,3       1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F  1 O + 1 F 
Circuit All 150 1,2,3 1,2,3 1O/2O/3O    NA 1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F
Closed Circuit All 480 (25% F, 25% J) 1,2,3 1,2,3 1O/2O/3O  1M/2M/3M NA 1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F
          1F/2F/3F 1W/2W/3W        
Road Bikes*** All 150 1,2,3 1,2,3 1O/2O/3O          
          1F/2F/3F   NA 1 O + 1 F 1 O + 1 F 1 M + 1 W

N/A = Age/Category Awards are not applicable
* 25% F = maximum 25% of places reserved for Female Competitors (or Female Teams), 25% J = maximum 25% of places reserved
for Juniors.
If there are fewer than 25% Female or Junior entrants, the unfilled places are available to men.
**When the event is held on a closed road up to 480 entries may be accepted.
***Road bike criteria below:  
 The road bike can possess drop or straight handlebars; no tri-bars, clip-on bars or Spinacci bars are allowed; no disc wheels; both front & rear wheels must have at least 12 spokes each; the maximum rim  depth allowed is 90mm. Regulation 29 applies for machine *and* helmet criteria for the Road Bike Classification. Regs 14, 15 and 16 apply for all other matters, e.g., road worthiness, clothing, helmet safety.


(g) Championship Medallions – Medallions are presented to the winners of awards as indicated in the table above.

(h) REMOVED 01/08/23

(i)  National Youth Championship District Heat Conditions – see National Championship Condition 7

(j) Numbers – Competitors must only use the numbers supplied by the event organiser. Body numbers should be fitted
in accordance with Regulation 16. Arm numbers should be fitted to the upper arm facing forwards.

3    The Board's Responsibilities and Powers

The Board has the overall responsibility for National Championships.  All Championships are under their
overall control.

The following specific responsibilities and powers are defined:

(a) To ensure that Championship Organisers, District Committees and others receive sufficient information and support to
facilitate the good organisation of these events.

(b) The Board may offer the promotion of any Championship event to a District Committee.

(c)   The Board will fix the entry fee inclusive of levy.

(d) The Board shall have the right to add to, amend or rescind these conditions as circumstances demand.


4    District Committee Responsibilities and Powers

(a) Where a District Committee accepts the promotion of a Championship it may promote such Championship itself or allocate
its promotion to a club.

(b) Where a Championship is promoted by a club at the invitation of a District Committee, the District Committee shall exercise
supervisory control and be responsible to the Board for the satisfactory promotion of the event. At least one
member of the District Committee will be appointed to the club’s Championship Organising Committee to communicate
between CTT and the club. This representative will also ensure CTT representation in the field selection and placement in the
starting order for the event.

(c) The District Committee is responsible to request Board approval of the budget for the event if CTT subsidisation
of the costs of promotion, from National Funds, is to be requested. Such requests shall be made at least six months before the event.

(d) The District Committee shall appoint observers to report alleged infringements of Regulations.


5    Joint Responsibilities of Championship Organisers
and District Committee

(a) The Championship budget shall be jointly agreed and controlled by the Club and the District Committee.

(b) Acceptance of entries and field placement is a joint responsibility of the organiser and the District Committee representative.

(c) Only those entries received by the promoter on or before the announced closing date shall be considered.
Where an excess entry is received the promoter shall ensure that all rejected entries are posted to the
entrants not more than three days after the closing date.

If the eligible entry exceeds the limit acceptances shall be based on the fastest performances at the appropriate
distance (in the case of Hill Climb, the highest placing) in Open or Semi- Open events since 1st January of the
previous year. Subject thereto the field shall be completed by selecting from the entrants those riders who in
the opinion of the promoter of the event are considered most likely to return the fastest performance at the
appropriate distance whether or not they have previously recorded a performance at that distance.
Acceptance of tricycle riders shall be based on their times recorded on tricycles. In the case of the Hill Climb,
12 Hour and 24 Hour championships the responsible District Committee shall have the right to accept or
authorise the acceptance of entries which might otherwise be excluded by this condition.
Team Championships shall be incorporated in each championship but no regard to team
membership shall be had in selecting the championship field.

(d)  Field Layout.

The reigning champion at that distance (or team in the case of Team Time Trials), if entered for the event, shall
be despatched as last “fast” rider or team, irrespective of the qualifying time of other riders.

(e)  24 Hour Championship

The promoter may accept entries from any person entitled to enter open events under Regulation 11 provided
that only those qualified under Championship Condition 2 (a) hereof shall be eligible to compete for Championship
awards. In the event of an excess entry the promoter must give priority of acceptance to entrants qualified
under Championship Condition 2 (a) hereof and subject thereto the selection of entrants shall be in accordance
with Championship Condition 2 (d).


6    Championship Organiser/Promoting Club

The organiser of a Championship shall ensure that the event is promoted in accordance with CTT Regulations and
Championship Conditions. In particular, the following Championship Conditions apply to organisation of these events.

(a) The Organiser/Organising Club shall invite the participation of the appointed District representative(s) to all
meetings of its Organising Committee.

(b) Where the Championship is incorporated with an established open event, the Championship Conditions shall
apply to the promotion of that established event. All certificates, entry forms, start and result cards and other
documents shall be made available by the promoter to the District Committee and to the Board
if requested. Notwithstanding the foregoing it must be stated that the event is being promoted
“For and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under its Rules and Regulations”.

(c)  The Promoting Secretary must appoint a Recorder to assist the Timekeeper(s) at the finish.

(d) There shall be at least 2 timekeepers at each start position of all national championships. There shall be at least 2
timekeepers at the finish of fixed distance championships. In fixed time championships each finish station shall have
either 2 timekeepers or 1 timekeeper and 1 recorder.

(e) Checkers and Marshals shall be duplicated at essential points. Instructions to such Checkers and Marshals shall
be issued by the promoter in writing and an acknowledgement in writing obtained from them. 

(f) Where a Championship is incorporated with an established open event, the promoters of that event may
award the perpetual trophies and handicap awards that are normally awarded for the established Open Event.


7    10 miles National Youth Championship

Date of and entry into the National Final:

A National Final, open to Youth entrants will be held not later than the second Sunday in September 

(b)  Awards:



National Final

Fastest boy. Fastest girl.

GHS trophy & medallion presented at Champions Celebration.

2nd & 3rd placed boys. 2nd & 3rd placed girls.

GHS medallion presented at Champions Celebration.

Fastest team of three,  riding either for their school or affiliated club.

GHS team trophy and 3 GHS medallions

presented at Champions Celebration.

Fastest in each age category based on the riders age on the date of the Final

RTTC Age Group medallion.

All finishers.

Commemorative medal and certificate.


8    Team Time Trial Championship

(i) Entries shall be accepted from teams of three riders and include the option of a named reserve. 
Such teams shall be from one club affiliated to Cycling Time Trials.

(ii) Should a complete team of three riders (not being a reserve team) not have signed on prior to the event,
a complete reserve team shall have priority over any such incomplete team.

 Para & Hand Cyclists

(i) Para-cycling Championship for para-cyclists and hand cyclists based on their category (provided by BC) and using the CTT
factored timing system. Awards as per table above.

(ii) If a rider has not sought classification from BC, they will be not qualify for awards.