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The RTTC Classic Series is a points-based National Competition. The series comprises six events which are held on sporting courses across the country.
Four events must be completed to qualify for the Competition.
The 2024 events are shown in the below TABLE | ENTER by clicking on the *Couse Code (in BLUE)
Date |
*Course Code | Enter Event |
Distance (Miles) |
Location |
17th March |
14.6 |
Wiltshire |
29th March |
22 |
Buxton |
21st April |
39 |
Worcester |
5th May |
22.2 |
Edinburgh |
26th May |
29 |
Penzance |
9th June |
28 |
Circuit of Greystoke |
There are two distinct Competitions, the Classic Series TT Bike Competition and the Classic Series Road Bike Competition. See the table below.
Points will be awarded based on 60 points per category. The winner of each category in each individual Event will receive 60 points. Points are awarded down the 60th place with the 60th place receiving 1 point.
The winners will be the riders with the highest aggregate of points gained from completing four of the six events in the **Competition entered. If a rider completes all six events, only those points for the highest aggregate of four events will count. In other words, your highest points earned in four of six!
The Veterans Competition is based on age-related criteria. For the Classic Series, this is based on a concept called Target Times.
Target Times are the finishing times a rider can be expected to complete an event based on their age, classification (Open or Female) and the event distance. This Competition is not yet based on VTTA Age-Adjusted times.
*Sporting courses: These are challenging, non-dual carriageway courses. Often lanes-based circuits and non-standard distances. Perfect for beginners and experienced time triallists alike, especially with two Competitions to choose from, Road Bike and TT Bike.
**Points are not transferable between the Road Bike and TT Bike Competition.
Published 1st March 2024.