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General Guide for Promotion
This guidance is written to supplement your reading and understanding of the Rules and Regulations as detailed in the current copy of the Cycling Time Trials handbook.
The practical running of an open event is largely a matter of routine where actions require to be undertaken in a specific order, at an appropriate time. Experienced promoters generally have their own methods; however, they broadly follow a standard routine. The following actions, set out in calendar form, have been provided as a guide for Promoting Secretaries.
Obtain the agreement and support from your club/organisation to promote an event. Complete an Open Event Application Form, obtainable from the District Secretary of the district in which the event is to be held. These forms are generally sent out to club secretaries in July/August/September. Completion of the form is self explanatory.
All eligible events qualify towards the National Best All Rounder (BBAR) Competition. You need to indicate this on the form in the appropriate section with a letter “B”. Events nominated as BBAR events have specific entry conditions (detailed in the handbook under BBAR Competition Conditions) which must be adhered to. If the event is to be eligible for the Women's BBAR Competition you must reserve 25% of the field for women.The event application needs to identify if internet entry will be accepted and if the organiser’s personal details can be published on the CTT website.
The District Secretary on behalf of the District Council (in whose district the event will be run) will organise a date fixing meeting. Make sure that you or a representative from your club/organisation is in attendance at this meeting. No Cycling Time Trials’ event can be organised without the appropriate District Committee approval.
Should any part of the course you are to use extends into another District(s) details of the proposed event must be submitted to the appropriate District Secretary, not later than 1st October. This is often undertaken by the District Secretary on behalf of the event secretaries.
Having been allocated a date for your event, you are expected, with the assistance of your Club/organisation or District Committee if necessary, to organise the event through to a successful conclusion.
Following publication of the year’s open events in the handbook and on the Cycling Time Trials’ website, arrange for or check that the details of your event are correct. If any of the details are incorrect, notify your District Secretary immediately so that action can be taken at national level to publicise the amendment.
Book your event headquarters and arrange for your timekeepers (and a handicapper if appropriate).
Ensure that if the event has been identified for Internet Entry (IE designation in handbook) that your nominated bank details have either been added to your organiser profile on the CTT website or been provided to the National Secretary (Competitions & Development), so that monies received from the entries received through the system can be forwarded to the appropriate bank account. A copy of the Internet User Guide is available from the Cycling Time Trials’ website.
Secure from your District Secretary an up-to-date description of the course to be used, together with a copy of the current risk assessment for that course. Identify a club official(s) to represent your club at the start and finish. Timekeepers should not undertake this role. Additionally, appoint a person to oversee the signing on and signing out of riders and the collection of numbers.
Complete the Police Notification Form and send copies to the Chief Constable of each police area through which the course passes and send one copy to the District Secretary. Retain a copy for your file. The District Secretary requires his copy at least six weeks before the event. Some police forces will accept notification by email; however, it is always prudent to send a copy by recorded post. As acknowledgement of receipt of the notification is not consistent across the country, confirmation of receipt by recorded delivery provides some confidence that the notification has been delivered.
The Road Traffic Act demands that police have at least 28 days clear notice of a time trial taking place. Giving less than 28 days, the police can refuse you permission for the event to take place, or can impose special or onerous conditions.
Make arrangements to have your start sheet prepared and printed, whilst also appointing competent observers and sufficient marshals to cover all points of the course, as indicated on the course risk assessment. In addition, the person who is tasked with the erection of safety signage in accordance with the course risk assessment should be identified.
Checking cards for use by marshals may be purchased from the National Secretary (Competition & Development). Arrange for a number checker at the finish to record the numbers of the riders in the order they complete the course and for this information to be conveyed to the timekeeper. Also make arrangements for the times to be communicated to the result board area, which should be situated away from the finish area (generally at the event headquarters). Beware that mobile phone reception varies, especially out in the countryside, so it is worth checking prior to the event if this form of communication is to be adopted.
Check the course against the generic Risk Assessment and note any additional risks identified and which are likely to be permanent and/or remain until the event takes place. Take appropriate action, such as notifying the highway authority of serious road defects, etc. Notify the District Secretary of the defects found and the action taken to modify the generic Risk Assessment.
Read notes in the handbook on event cancellation, postponement and delayed start.
For any paper entries, check that:
All entry forms MUST be signed by the rider, photocopied signatures are NOT valid.
Return any form not properly completed to the prospective entrant. You may return/reject entries which will not be accepted before the closing date if you already have received more than a full field. This should enable the rider to enter another event if he so wishes.
For internet entries, monies received via the website will be transferred to the nominated bank account once the rider list has been published on the website.
The promoting club has the right to refuse any entry (subject to BBAR condition no. 4).
Whether received by either post, hand delivery or through the website, the closing date for event entries, unless it is a National Championship or is annotated with “NS” (Non Standard) that state a non standard closing date, should be at 23:59 hours, 10 days prior to the event.
Select the field of riders in accordance with standard conditions as set out in the Cycling Time Trials' handbook and/or any published special conditions specific to the event. Return immediately all excess entries, through the website or by first class post
Arrange the field of riders in accordance with Regulations (CTT Guidance Note 8 is available to assist you in this important task). If the event is to be handicapped your handicapper may agree to arrange the field for you. When preparing the start sheet it must include the following information in order to comply with Cycling Time Trials' regulations:
Despatch a copy of the start sheet, by email or first class post, to the District Council Secretary, all competitors and officials, including the timekeepers. Include any specific instructions to the marshals and checkers. (See CTT Guidance Note 11 - Marshals and Checkers). If considered appropriate, prepare clerking sheets and marshals checking cards.
Note: To comply with the CTT Data Protection Policy, start sheets, when emailed, should be sent using the BCC function, thus avoiding distribution of personal email information.
At the Start/Headquarters
Prior to the event commencing, an appropriate person should travel the course to identify if any additional issues have arisen that are not detailed on the course risk assessment, ie broken down cars/trucks, road works, local shows, etc. Details of any such issues should be recorded on the “On the Day Risk Assessment” and displayed next to the signing on sheet, so as to bring to the attention of all the riders. Event officials' attention should be drawn to any such identified issues. This individual may also be the person identified to position the signage.
Confirm that appropriate signage has been positioned in accordance with the requirements of the course risk assessment. CTT Guidance Note 17 “The Erection of Cycle Event Signage” provides information on the safe erection and positioning of signage.
Check on the arrival of, whilst ensuring they are adequately briefed, as to their duties:
In accordance with the course risk assessment, locate the precise starting point and ensure all marshals and officials are wearing a hi-vis jackets to indicate their association with the event.
Take with you all the completed entry forms, emergency contact details of any Internet Entrants and police correspondence. It is important that the emergency contact details of all competitors are retained at the headquarters during the event, in case there is an incident/accident.
Arrange, if considered appropriate, for a pilot car to precede the first rider, carrying spare marshals/spare hi vis jackets, to cover any breakdown in the arrangements.
Ensure that a first aid kit is available at the event headquarters.
At the Finish
Confirm the position of the finish point and mark it with a chequered flag or board.
Check on the arrival of:
and ensure the means of transferring the results to the result board is working satisfactorily
After the event and prior to the prize giving
Make sure that all riders have signed out and returned their numbers. If a competitor has not signed out by the time the event has drawn to a close, then as a duty of care, try to contact the rider to ensure they are safe. If necessary, please also check with marshals/official/ timekeepers to try to confirm that the rider is safe and completed the course. Any rider who has not personally signed out will be deemed to have not finished the event. (See Regulation 17[b]). If there are any concerns for a competitor’s safety or well-being, contact the District Secretary for advice.
On all competitors being accounted for, check, in conjunction with the timekeeper(s), that the recorded times are correct on the result board. Establish that all competitors who are credited with a time or distance have completed the full course.
Refer any issues relating to the event or of the conduct of any riders in the event to the District Secretary. Report any accidents to both the District Secretary and the National Secretary (Legal & Corporate). Notify the District Secretary of any updates required to the generic course risk assessment.
For the vast majority of events, the event levies are collected at source. For those events that are paper entry only, send a signed copy of the start sheet and the appropriate amount of levy to the District Treasurer. Make your cheque payable to “Cycling Time Trials”.
Prepare the results cover sheet, this must include the following information in order to comply with Cycling Time Trials' regulations:
A note of thanks to all those who helped to make the event possible is generally greatly appreciated.
Ensure that the result sheet cover (you can upload your own version or use the template that is provided on the event dashboard) is uploaded to the CTT website at the same time as the results are submitted for publication. You can then email the entrants via the website to inform them that the results are published.
Prizes other than certificates, medals or trophies should be despatched to the prize winners. Certificates, medals or trophies should be despatched or presented within 12 months of the event.
Note: To comply with the CTT Data Protection Policy, result sheets, when emailed, should be sent using the BCC function, thus avoiding distribution of personal email information.
Entry forms and signing-on sheets should be retained for at least one year. If there is an accident, they should be retained for at least seven years.