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CTT coronavirus update - 31 03 2020

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In view of the ongoing Government advice and guidance and in particular the guidance on social distancing, Cycling Time Trials (CTT) has taken the decision to extend the current suspension of all CTT events, (this includes all Type A and Type B events), up to and including 30 June 2020. 

Clearly this will have a considerable impact on all CTT events, to include the Sigma Sports Classic Series and of course RTTC National Championships.

Sigma Sports Classic Series
The difficult decision has been made to cancel the 2020 Sigma Sports Classic Series.

RTTC National Championships
The CTT Board is working closely with the CTT districts and the organisers of the Championship events due to be held in June to explore whether these events can be rearranged to another date.  It has to be accepted that the lack of competition could have a bearing on those wishing to take part in Championships to be held in July and possibly beyond and the Board is in discussions with those organisers also. 

A revised list of Championship events will be available shortly, although depending on Government advice going forward riders do need to be aware that it is quite possible further changes will have to be made and that some Championship events may well not be held in 2020.

National Youth Championship
The suspension of events will mean that it will not now be possible to hold many of the district heats.  The requirement to qualify for the Youth Championship National Final is suspended and those competitors who wish to ride the National Final are invited to send their entries by email to the National Secretary, Stewart Smith: stewart.smith@cyclingtimetrials.org.uk

Should the entries to the National Final be over-subscribed, the National Secretary shall have a discretion as to which entries shall be accepted and in exercising such discretion shall take into account any recommendation given by the relevant district championship promotor and/or the relevant district secretary in accordance with RTTC National Championship condition 7(d).

Cancellation/postponement of events
Stewart Smith (National Secretary) will be in contact with the organisers directly about whether they wish to cancel or postpone their events. If an event is to be postponed and a new date has been confirmed, all organisers must ensure that the new date has been approved by the relevant district committee.  Organisers are also reminded that a completed police notification form must also be sent to the police to include the new date for the postponed event.

Police notification forms – open and club events
As organisers will be aware, it is a legal requirement that the police notification form (PNF) must be sent to the police at least 28 days prior to the event and that it is a CTT requirement that the PNF should actually be sent at least six weeks prior to the event with a copy to the relevant district secretary or nominated assistant secretary.  Although the immediate future is uncertain, clubs and organisers are reminded that they should still send the PNF for events to be held in July onwards so that if we are in a position where events can be held once more, the necessary legal requirements will have been complied with.

“Informal” time trials
The Board has been made aware of some clubs holding informal time trials on the road.  All clubs and riders are reminded that unless the event has been approved by the relevant district committee (and for the avoidance of doubt such events do not have any such approval), such event would not be considered as being promoted for and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials and consequently would not be covered by the CTT third party insurance.

We’re all in this together
It is recognised that the suspension of events will have considerable impact on all riders who wish to compete and those who have set their goals around specific events.  It is also recognised that this will have a considerable impact on organisers and the many, many volunteers who put so much hard work and time into promoting successful events for all to enjoy.  The Board would like to say a huge “thank you” to everyone for their ongoing support and patience during this time – it is very much appreciated.