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Weekly events on RGT Cycling - the virtual cycling platform.

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CTT continue with the twice weekly events using www.rgtcycling.com , the free virtual platform.

We hope that you will join us by downloading the free apps from their website; you will need the mobile app and the screen app which are suitable for both iphone and android.   The system is easy to use and you can ‘ride’ on real roads such as Mont Ventoux or on the magic roads where premium members can also upload gpx files of local roads/courses.

RGT are continually developing and upgrading their platform and with the help of CTT the time trial options will be available in the not too distant future.

There will be a weekly 10 mile event on the virtual V718, held on a Monday evening starting at 19.00.

Friday’s events give a sporting course option, these start at 17.00 and the course is a different one each week with the odd hill climb thrown in as well.

The event links will be posted on the CTT Facebook and Strava (https://www.strava.com/clubs/605962) pages when created on a weekly basis.

The current arranged events and their links are as below

Monday 18th May – V718 – http://app.rgtcycling.com/event?code=kyKrAnVpbz

Friday – 22nd May – WS25/01 – Circuit of Loch Ken – 26 miles based at Castle Douglas in Scotland. http://app.rgtcycling.com/event?code=2o1cjHhSpK

Monday 25th May – V718 – http://app.rgtcycling.com/event?code=m6jUTheeES

Friday 29th May - For the hill climbers, 3 hill climbs, Pea Royd Lane, the long version, National Championship course in 2009 & 2014 (short version in 2018). Streatley, the 2020 Championship course and the Bealach Na Ba, well, just because its the longest continual road climb in the UK. 
                                Stage 1 – Pea Royd Lane - http://app.rgtcycling.com/event?code=4hqxdSShA3
                               Stage 2 – Streatley - http://app.rgtcycling.com/event?code=YQWosgGBve
                               Stage 3 – Bealach Na Ba - http://app.rgtcycling.com/event?code=pR2OC8BYgp