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Easy fundraising

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Cycling Time Trials is totally self-funded, the only revenue being event levies and affiliations. With the loss of events, currently up to 30th June, CTT have been reviewing ways of achieving income.

One way of helping CTT is via Easy Fund Raising, their website and link to the CTT page is https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/cyclingtimetrials/

We are asking our friends and their families to sign up to this (it’s free) and when you shop online, go via the Easy Fund Raising site, search the store you want to shop at and when you’ve made a purchase CTT will receive a percentage back.

The stores on-line sell most products from car & home insurance, utility bills, clothing to electrical items. Stores include Science In Sport, Argos, PC World, Go Outdoors, Amazon and Debenhams plus thousands more.

In these unprecedented times, every little helps so please sign up and help fund Cycling Time Trials and ensure its future.