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CTT Coronavirus update 28/05/20

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We’re receiving an increasing number of enquiries about when it will be possible to start events once more.
Many will have seen  that British Cycling issued a release yesterday in which it was said that for international and national level races, including national series and championships, the suspension of events was extended until 01 September 2020, and that for regional racing the suspension of events was extended until 01 August 2020.  The Board of CTT consider that by its very nature time trialling is different to road racing and consequently for time trials it will be easier to accommodate the government’s guidelines on the measures that need to be put in place to help control the spread of COVID-19 and in particular the requirement for social distancing. 

We’re hoping that it will be possible for events to take place, perhaps initially in some limited form, in the not too distant future.  We understand that the government is looking at ways outdoor sport and social activity can resume once more, although currently we don’t know when that will be.  Presently all CTT events are suspended up to and including 30 June.  There is to be further government guidance announced on Monday next week, 01 June, and it is anticipated that a further CTT release will be issued shortly after.  Plans are being put in place so once we’re able to, we can start events once more and guidance will be given to all clubs and CTT districts in good time to allow this to happen.