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Coronavirus update 08/06/2020

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This update relates to CTT events in England only.  It does not relate to events in Wales or Scotland. 

At the beginning of June, the Government relaxed the restrictions on social distancing.  Whereas it is still not considered possible nor indeed appropriate to recommence CTT events as yet, it is anticipated that on or around 04 July the current restrictions may be relaxed further.  In anticipation of that being the case, it is hoped that it may be possible to resume CTT events in July 2020.
Currently all CTT events are suspended up to and including 30 June 2020.  To allow time to properly consider the expected Government guidance, Type B ‘club’ events are further suspended up to and including 05 July 2020 and all Type A events are further suspended up to and including 17 July 2020. 

The safety of competitors and all those involved with the event must be paramount.  It has to be made clear that competition can be resumed only if the Government guidelines are relaxed sufficiently so as to allow for time trials to take place, and it is considered those guidelines can be fully adhered to regarding social distancing.  If this proves to be the case, Type B ‘club’ events can be held from 06 July 2020 and Type A events from 18 July 2020. 
In taking this decision it is emphasised that there is no pressure at all on clubs or organisers to hold their events.  Whether to proceed with an event is entirely at the discretion of the relevant CTT district, the individual club and the individual promotor of the event. 

A full coronavirus risk assessment and guidance as to what steps to put in place to mitigate potential risk has been prepared and will be circulated to all CTT districts, CTT affiliated clubs and event organisers shortly.
Police notification forms – open and club events
Although this may have been done already, clubs and organisers are reminded that they should send the PNF to the relevant police authority to ensure the necessary legal requirements will have been complied with. 
CTT will review the position following the further government guidance which is expected on 04 July 2020.   
08 June 2020