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Coronavirus update 26/06/20

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This update relates to CTT events in England only.  It does not relate to events in Wales or Scotland.

In the update on 08 June, it was said that in anticipation of the government restrictions on social distancing being relaxed sufficiently to allow competition to resume once more, the suspension of competition was to be further extended, although for a limited period only, with Type B ‘club’ events being further suspended up to and including 05 July 2020 and all Type A events being further suspended up to and including 17 July 2020.

Since then, although the social distancing measures have been relaxed quite considerably, it remains the case that as of today’s date, people from multiple households can meet only in groups of up to six.

CTT remains optimistic that it will be possible, within the government guidelines, to resume competition in July.  However, the guidance released by the government has not been as clear as had been hoped for.  It is anticipated that further clarification will be provided by the government when the amended legislation is published, which is expected on 04 July.

CTT is very much aware that clubs and organisers do need certainty about whether or not events can be held.  As the government guidance is not clear, and as the amended legislation will unlikely be available until 04 July, it is very unlikely that CTT will be able to give the “green light” in good time for those club events due to be held in the few days after 04 July.

Accordingly, the suspension of Type B ‘club’ events is further extended by one week, up to and including 12 July 2020, to allow time to consider the legislation and any further government guidance that may be published around the same time.

Type A events remain suspended up to and including 17 July 2020.

The COVID-19 risk assessment and guidance – Putting on a Cycling Time Trials Events under COVID-19 is available on the CTT website. 

CTT will continue to review the position and a further update will be released shortly.

26 June 2020