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Coronavirus Update 09-12-20

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This update relates to CTT events in England only.  It is understood that there are no remaining CTT events in Scotland or Wales in 2020.

New measures came into effect on 02 December 2020.  CTT events now have to be considered under the new local restriction tier system.  For details of which tier you are in, please see the government website https://www.gov.uk/find-coronavirus-local-restrictions

Tier 1 and Tier 2 areas
If your event is based within a Tier 1 or Tier 2 area, under the government restrictions as they stand as at today’s date, your event can go ahead.   Please be aware that the government restrictions provide that for people who live in a Tier 3 area, they should “avoid travelling to other parts of the UK, including for overnight stays other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities”.  That means no-one (whether that be competitors race officials or anyone associated should travel to the event if they live in a Tier 3 area. 

Tier 3 areas
The event will not be sanctioned by CTT and cannot go ahead if it is based in a Tier 3 area, or the meeting point for the start is based in a Tier 3 area (this applies regardless of whether it is a Type A or Type B event). There is a limited exception to this in that Type B “club” events can be held, PROVIDED THAT everyone who competes in the event or helps out at the event, (whether that be a race official or otherwise), is from that same Tier 3 area.  People from Tier 1, Tier 2 or any other Tier 3 areas must not attend the event. It is strongly recommended that if this exception is to be relied on, the event is kept to a small scale so as to make the event and compliance with the above easier to manage.

The onus to comply with the above restrictions is on the competitor and/or the person travelling to the event. 

You must not socialise in groups of more than six people.  This is more stringent in a Tier 3 area.  Organised outdoor sport can continue, although in all cases, whether the event is to take place in a Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 area, it is essential that the CTT Covid-19 risk assessment is complied with.

It is anticipated that the next government review will be on 16 December 2020.  It is possible that the restrictions in your area (ie. the tier your area is in and/or the restrictions imposed) may change when that review is carried out.  CTT will continue to review and monitor the government advice.

If you have an event planned between now and 31 December 2020, and you are in doubt or have any questions, please contact Nick Sharpe -  National Secretary (Legal & Corporate) nick.sharpe@cyclingtimetrials.org.uk