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East Bradford CC Results

Results for members of East Bradford CC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Neil Arnold 23/09/05 Yorkshire RC 50 N/A 2:04:30 Claim
Brenda Littlefair 23/09/05 Yorkshire RC 50 N/A 2:38:34 Claim
Malcolm Charge 10/09/05 Ravensthorpe CC 50 DNS Claim
Calum Smith 10/09/05 GHS Championship Final N/A 00:27:12 Claim
James Simpson 10/09/05 GHS Championship Final N/A 00:27:19 Claim
Arabella Fox (W) 10/09/05 GHS Championship Final N/A 00:29:39 Claim
Brenda Littlefair 10/09/05 YLCA 50 DNS Claim
Sue Gaffney 10/09/05 YLCA 50 N/A 2:45:51 Claim
Robert Jackson 04/09/05 NMCF 100 N/A 4:48:27 Claim
Dion Magyar 03/09/05 Barrow Central Whs 10's DNS Claim
Robert Jackson 21/08/05 Otley CC 50 N/A 2:11:07 Claim
Neil Arnold 20/08/05 YCF 30 N/A 1:12:30 Claim
Robert Jackson 20/08/05 YCF 30 N/A 1:17:47 Claim
George Tilleard 13/08/05 Drighlington BC (Slowest Men) N/A 1:13:50 Claim
Malcolm Charge 13/08/05 Drighlington BC (Slowest Men) N/A 1:14:05 Claim
Mike Smith 13/08/05 Drighlington BC (Slowest Men) N/A 1:20:37 Claim
Brenda Littlefair 13/08/05 Drighlington BC (Women's BBAR) N/A 1:13:24 Claim
Brian Ashworth 31/07/05 Elmet CRC 12HR DNS Claim
R.Jackson 23/07/05 Yorkshire RC 25 N/A 1:01:14 Claim
M.Charge 23/07/05 Yorkshire RC 25 N/A 00:00:00 Claim
B.Ashworth 23/07/05 Yorkshire RC 25 DNS Claim
Brian Ashworth 10/07/05 YCF 100 N/A 6:12:11 Claim
Brian Ashworth 11/06/05 Lancaster CC 10 N/A 00:32:31 Claim
Sue Gaffney 26/05/05 YCF 15 N/A 00:44:39 Claim
Neil Arnold 24/04/05 YCF Association 25 N/A 1:01:56 Claim