Adrian |
Humpage |
04/06/17 |
sportzmad (men)(240 riders in 2 events) |
R25/3H |
N/A |
00:56:22 |
Adrian |
Humpage |
03/06/17 |
liverpool phoenix cc (aintree)(wcttca 4 of 11) |
D10/1 |
N/A |
00:22:56 |
Tracy |
Rowlinson |
03/06/17 |
shaftesbury cc (mm slower than 57.00 lts)(cheques to shaftesbury cc) |
E2/25 |
N/A |
1:03:10 |
John |
Swinnerton |
29/05/17 |
anfield bicycle club |
D100/2A |
Barrie |
Whittaker |
29/05/17 |
anfield bicycle club |
D100/2A |
N/A |
4:50:25 |
Tracy |
Rowlinson |
28/05/17 |
leicester forest cc |
A50/13 |
N/A |
2:15:11 |
David |
Steele |
27/05/17 |
warrington road club (cheshire points seies 7 of 20)(including vtta m/c nw group) |
J4/16 |
Paul |
Jennings |
27/05/17 |
warrington road club (cheshire points seies 7 of 20)(including vtta m/c nw group) |
J4/16 |
N/A |
2:23:13 |
Patricia |
Stacey |
27/05/17 |
warrington road club (cheshire points seies 7 of 20)(including vtta m/c nw group) |
J4/16 |
N/A |
2:44:59 |
Claim |
Adrian |
Humpage |
27/05/17 |
holme valley wheelers (men)(150 machines 3 events)(ycf points series) |
V237 |
Sandra |
Griffiths |
27/05/17 |
warrington road club (cheshire points seies 7 of 20)(including vtta m/c nw group) |
J4/16 |
N/A |
2:22:42 |
Tracy |
Rowlinson |
21/05/17 |
acme whs (rhondda) cc (women, juniors + m (overflow)) (240 riders in 2 events) |
R25/3H |
N/A |
1:01:29 |
Paul |
Jennings |
21/05/17 |
wcttca & scca(pref to wcttca and scca club riders)(wcttca 3 of 11)(scca 7 of 16)(cheques to wcttca) |
D30/12 |
N/A |
1:22:50 |
Stephen |
Hall |
20/05/17 |
stone wheelers (manchester dc preference) |
J5/8 |
N/A |
00:54:37 |
Helen |
Bailey |
20/05/17 |
stone wheelers (manchester dc preference) |
J5/8 |
Christopher |
Bailey |
20/05/17 |
stone wheelers (manchester dc preference) |
J5/8 |
Amanda |
Young |
20/05/17 |
the racing chance foundation (slowest 120 riders) |
J2/9 |
N/A |
1:09:08 |
Barrie |
Whittaker |
20/05/17 |
stone wheelers (manchester dc preference) |
J5/8 |
Christopher |
Bailey |
14/05/17 |
sportzmad (men)(240 riders in 2 events) |
R25/3H |
N/A |
00:57:34 |
Adrian |
Humpage |
14/05/17 |
sportzmad (men)(240 riders in 2 events) |
R25/3H |
N/A |
00:59:09 |
Helen |
Bailey |
14/05/17 |
sportzmad (women, juniors + m overflow (240 riders in 2 events) |
R25/3H |
N/A |
1:04:48 |
Barrie |
Whittaker |
14/05/17 |
sportzmad (men)(240 riders in 2 events) |
R25/3H |
Tracy |
Rowlinson |
14/05/17 |
sportzmad (women, juniors + m overflow (240 riders in 2 events) |
R25/3H |
N/A |
1:04:18 |
Stephen |
Hall |
14/05/17 |
mid shropshire wheelers (scca 6 of 16) |
D50/4 |
Christopher |
Bailey |
13/05/17 |
vtta (south wales) |
R10/17 |
N/A |
00:23:02 |