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First Name | Last Name | Date | Event | Course | Pos | Result | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 22/07/18 | lancashire rc | L2525 | N/A | 1:08:43 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 21/07/18 | chorley cycling club (NLTTA Championship) | L101 - BROCK | N/A | 00:26:51 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 17/06/18 | kent valley rc (charity event) | L2524 - LEVENS | N/A | 1:10:32 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 16/06/18 | kent valley rc (mid summer charity event) | L1015 - LEVENS | N/A | 00:26:37 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 09/06/18 | lancaster cc | L1015 - LEVENS | N/A | 00:25:05 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 20/05/18 | High Wycombe Cycling Club (Entries Close: 6-05-18) | H25/2 | N/A | 1:03:43 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 17/05/18 | blackburn & district ctc (2-up ttt)(50 teams)(fee per rider) | L1022 | N/A | 00:25:11 | |
Jon | Hails | 17/05/18 | blackburn & district ctc (2-up ttt)(50 teams)(fee per rider) | L1022 | N/A | 00:25:11 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 06/05/18 | wigmore cc (ecca bar)(150 riders) | Q25/12 | N/A | 1:06:55 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 29/04/18 | wigan whs cc (l&l spoco) | L308 (LEVENS) | N/A | 1:21:43 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 28/04/18 | wigan whs cc (90 riders) | L1022 | N/A | 00:25:58 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 21/04/18 | beacon wheelers (entries close 12/04/18) | L108 - TEBAY | N/A | 00:25:30 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 08/04/18 | nelson wheelers cc (hilly)(l&l spoco) | L503/1 | N/A | 2:47:27 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 31/03/18 | north lancashire road club (90 riders) | L101 - BROCK | DNS | ||
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 17/03/18 | west pennine rc (hilly)(l&l spoco) | L142 | N/A | 00:39:01 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 11/03/18 | dorking cc (east surrey hardriders)(90 riders) | GS/491R | N/A | 1:25:51 | |
Duncan | Rimmer | 25/02/18 | redhill cc (sporting)(50% preference to women) | GS/478 | N/A | 00:52:11 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 24/02/18 | rossendale rc (hilly)(l&l spoco)(entries close 15/02/18) | L112 - BOLTON BY BOWLAND | N/A | 00:32:27 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 24/09/17 | lancaster cycling club (jubilee tower)(entries close 17/09/17) | L820 | N/A | ||
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 24/09/17 | lancaster cycling club (conder bottoms)(entries close 17/09/17) | L825 | N/A | ||
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 10/09/17 | yorkshire rc (100 riders)(cheques to s smith) | V259/1 | DNS | ||
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 03/09/17 | rttc national championship (men)(north district committee)(entries close 02/08/17) | L1021 | N/A | 00:25:43 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 27/08/17 | team swift (charity event)(men)(slower than 22.00 lts)(entries close 10/08/17) | V718 | N/A | 00:22:59 | |
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 23/07/17 | www.realteam.co.uk (chq to m heritage-owen) (women, juniors + m (overflow)) (240 riders in 2 events) | R25/3H | DNF | ||
Neil | Hughes-Hutchings | 18/06/17 | kent valley rc (charity event) | L2524 - LEVENS | N/A | 1:02:42 |