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Blaydon CC Results

Results for members of Blaydon CC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Sebastian Stockbridge 12/06/16 north tyneside riders cc M2511 N/A 1:05:25
Ben Osborne 12/06/16 north tyneside riders cc M2511 N/A 1:09:56
Paul Wright 12/06/16 north tyneside riders cc M2511 N/A 1:04:59
Steven Craggs 12/06/16 north tyneside riders cc M2511 N/A 00:59:53
Eoin Gormley 05/06/16 allen valley velo (l&l spoco) M12BX2 N/A 1:19:09
Ross Walton 05/06/16 allen valley velo (l&l spoco) M12BX2 N/A 1:16:52
Ben Osborne 05/06/16 allen valley velo (l&l spoco) M12BX2 N/A 1:22:26
Justin Ramel 05/06/16 allen valley velo (l&l spoco) M12BX2 N/A 1:21:03
Sebastian Stockbridge 05/06/16 allen valley velo (l&l spoco) M12BX2 N/A 1:19:40
Paul Wright 05/06/16 allen valley velo (l&l spoco) M12BX2 N/A 1:19:40
matthew rich 05/06/16 allen valley velo (l&l spoco) M12BX2 N/A 1:31:55
Nicholas Stevenson 29/05/16 derwentside cc (l&l spoco) M40 N/A 2:01:51
Justin Ramel 29/05/16 derwentside cc (l&l spoco) M40 N/A 2:02:50
Phil Crowell 29/05/16 derwentside cc (l&l spoco) M40 N/A 2:58:15
Paul Wright 29/05/16 derwentside cc (l&l spoco) M40 N/A 2:06:29
Eoin Gormley 29/05/16 derwentside cc (l&l spoco) M40 N/A 2:06:34
Sebastian Stockbridge 29/05/16 derwentside cc (l&l spoco) M40 N/A 2:07:36
David Laidler 21/05/16 Blaydon CC - (Including the N&DCA Regional 10mile Champs) M107 N/A 00:30:32
Sara Cummings 21/05/16 Blaydon CC - (Including the N&DCA Regional 10mile Champs) M107 N/A 00:34:41
Matthew Foster 21/05/16 Blaydon CC - (Including the N&DCA Regional 10mile Champs) M107 N/A 00:29:31
Christopher Smith 21/05/16 Blaydon CC - (Including the N&DCA Regional 10mile Champs) M107 N/A 00:29:47
ANGELA MCGURK 21/05/16 Blaydon CC - (Including the N&DCA Regional 10mile Champs) M107 N/A 00:34:16
Justin Ramel 21/05/16 Blaydon CC - (Including the N&DCA Regional 10mile Champs) M107 N/A 00:27:56
Paul Wright 21/05/16 Blaydon CC - (Including the N&DCA Regional 10mile Champs) M107 N/A 00:28:56
chris craig 21/05/16 Blaydon CC - (Including the N&DCA Regional 10mile Champs) M107 N/A 00:30:53