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VTTA (Yorkshire) Results

Results for members of VTTA (Yorkshire)
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Philip Gadd 28/08/16 team swift (charity event) (slower than 22.00 lts)(entries close 11/08/16) V718 N/A 00:22:01
Tony Stott 21/08/16 nec-vtta (association members only) K48/25 N/A 1:02:36
Tony Stott 14/08/16 finsbury park cc F1/25B DNS
Mike Penrice 13/08/16 bridlington cc (pref to yorkshier dc clubs)(3 events 150 max machines) (cheques to bridlington cc) V718 DNS
Barbara Penrice 13/08/16 bridlington cc (pref to yorkshier dc clubs)(3 events 150 max machines) (cheques to bridlington cc) V718 DNS Claim
Tony Stott 13/08/16 bridlington cc (men)(pref to yorkshier dc clubs)(3 events 150 max machines) (cheques to bridlington cc) V718 N/A 00:23:31
Barbara Penrice 23/07/16 vtta (yorkshire)(Tandems) V718 N/A 00:25:00 Claim
Mike Penrice 23/07/16 vtta (yorkshire)(Tandems) V718 N/A 00:25:00
Geoffrey Sheard 23/07/16 vtta (yorkshire) (solo event vtta members only pref to yorkshire) V718 N/A 00:26:22 Claim
Craig Moody 23/07/16 vtta (yorkshire) (solo event vtta members only pref to yorkshire) V718 N/A 00:19:48
Philip Gadd 23/07/16 vtta (yorkshire) (solo event vtta members only pref to yorkshire) V718 N/A 00:21:59
Philip Gadd 17/07/16 selby cc (pref to yorkshire dc clubs)(2 events 150 machines) V718 N/A 00:22:59
Craig Moody 17/07/16 selby cc (pref to yorkshire dc clubs)(2 events 150 machines) V718 N/A 00:20:13
Tony Stott 17/07/16 selby cc (pref to yorkshire dc clubs)(2 events 150 machines) V718 N/A 00:22:46
Tony Stott 10/07/16 rttc national championship (stockton whs cc)(cheques to d howes)(entries close 14/06/2016) T1002/2 N/A 4:28:14
Mike Penrice 09/07/16 vtta (Tandem)(pref to east anglian vets)(entries close 21/06/2016) E2/25 N/A 1:09:46
Barbara Penrice 09/07/16 vtta (Tandem)(pref to east anglian vets)(entries close 21/06/2016) E2/25 N/A 1:09:46 Claim
Paul Watson 06/07/16 team swift (slowest 90 riders)(inc 18 ladies max) V718 DNS Claim
Tony Stott 02/07/16 yorkshire cycling federation (cheques to p hurt)(ycf points series)(2 events 120 max machines) V259/1 N/A 2:05:47
Craig Moody 28/06/16 yorkshire cycling federation (cheques to p hurt)(ycf points series)(yorkshire spoco event) V9916 N/A
Tony Stott 26/06/16 otley cc V258 N/A 2:03:33
Tony Stott 18/06/16 yorkshire rc (cheques to p hurt) (150 riders) V232/1 N/A 00:58:03
Philip Gadd 15/06/16 team swift (slower than 21.30 but faster than 24.00 lts)( 90 riders) V718 N/A 00:22:38
Tony Stott 15/06/16 team swift (slower than 21.30 but faster than 24.00 lts)( 90 riders) V718 N/A 00:22:13
Mike Penrice 12/06/16 yorkshire cycling federation (tandem)(cheques to a vaughan) (ycf points series) V728 N/A 00:38:17