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East London Velo Results

Results for members of East London Velo
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Rob Chaplin 28/08/21 Victoria CC (Solo)(Points League 4 of 4) E1/10A N/A 00:23:13
Callum Stewart 27/08/21 Sheffrec CC (Woodfall Lane)(closed road no lower age limit) OHC/15 N/A
Rob Chaplin 08/08/21 Chelmer CC (Road Bikes) E9/25 (REVISED) N/A 1:01:43
Miriam Bullock 08/08/21 Chelmer CC (Road Bikes) E9/25 (REVISED) N/A 1:08:42
Matthew Williams 24/07/21 Victoria CC (Solo)(Points League 3 of 4) E1/10A DNS
Rob Chaplin 24/07/21 Victoria CC (Solo)(Points League 3 of 4) E1/10A DNS
Rob Chaplin 17/07/21 ECCA (Members of ECCA affiliated clubs only) E91/15 N/A 00:33:46
Callum Stewart 14/07/21 Sheffrec CC (Inc. District Championship)(Preference to North Midlands riders)(75 rider max.) O19 N/A 00:47:29
Alex Elferink 10/07/21 Essex Roads CC E1/10A N/A 00:25:32
Rob Chaplin 04/07/21 Southend Whs (SPOCO SE) E21/50 N/A 1:59:50
Pete Dyson 27/06/21 Sussex CA G50/10 DNS
Pete Dyson 20/06/21 Lea Valley CC E1/25B N/A 00:53:59
Matthew Williams 19/06/21 Victoria CC (Solo)(Points League 2 of 4) E1/10A N/A 00:25:37
Rob Chaplin 19/06/21 Victoria CC (Solo)(Points League 2 of 4) E1/10A N/A 00:23:31
James Hill 19/06/21 Victoria CC (Solo)(Points League 2 of 4) E1/10A N/A 00:26:17
Callum Stewart 16/06/21 Peak RC (road bikes only)(entries close 11/06/21) O17/C N/A 00:46:02
Callum Stewart 10/06/21 Buxton CC / Sett Valley Cycles (Bioracer Kudos Series Event 6) (Inc VTTA Manchester m/c NW group )(90 riders max.) J10/1 N/A 00:22:50
Callum Stewart 09/06/21 Common Lane Occasionals (road bikes only)(entries close 30/05/21) O12C N/A 00:34:37
Thomas Willan 06/06/21 RTTC National Circuit Championship / Merlin Cycles Classic Series (5 of 6)(South East Midlands DC)( Road bikes only)(Entries close 11/05/21) NC16N N/A 1:20:10
Rob Chaplin 06/06/21 Maldon & Dist CC (SPOCO SE) E21/50 N/A 2:00:37
Pete Dyson 06/06/21 Kent CA (Including VTTA 100 Mile Championship & VTTA Kent Group Champs) Q100 DNF
Callum Stewart 26/05/21 Rutland CC (60 riders max)(cheques payable to Dominic Watts) O17/C N/A 00:47:36
Pete Dyson 22/05/21 ECCA (Championships)(2 events - 90 machines)(Members of ECCA affiliated clubs only) F2/50 N/A 1:45:06
Matthew Williams 22/05/21 Victoria CC (Solo)(Points League 1 of 4) E1/10A N/A 00:26:14
Rob Chaplin 22/05/21 Victoria CC (Solo)(Points League 1 of 4) E1/10A N/A 00:23:04