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Velo Club Cumbria Results

Results for members of Velo Club Cumbria
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Niall Paterson 23/10/16 matlock cc AHC/1 N/A
Chris Highton 16/10/16 RTTC National Championship (Men)(Closed Circuit)(Antelope RT)(entries close 4/10/2016) P/THRUXTON DNS Claim
Niall Paterson 09/10/16 lancashire road club L812 - RAKE N/A
Niall Paterson 02/10/16 allen valley velo (2 stage hill climb) MH16 N/A
Niall Paterson 25/09/16 lancaster cycling club (jubilee tower)(entries close 18/09/2016) L820 N/A
Niall Paterson 25/09/16 lancaster cycling club (conder bottoms)(entries close 18/09/2016) L825 N/A
Martin Mikkelsen-Barron 24/09/16 beacon wheelers L826 DNS
Niall Paterson 24/09/16 beacon wheelers L826 N/A
Patrick Pennefather 18/09/16 springfield financial (90 riders) L1015 - LEVENS N/A 00:20:55
Chris Highton 17/09/16 team swift (slowest 120 riders) V718 N/A 00:23:28
Sam Wedgwood 11/09/16 border city whs cc L804 - HARTSIDE MOOR DNS
william Cheung 11/09/16 border city whs cc L804 - HARTSIDE MOOR N/A 00:27:42
Richard Shield 11/09/16 border city whs cc L804 - HARTSIDE MOOR N/A 00:22:07
Kieran hoban 11/09/16 border city whs cc L804 - HARTSIDE MOOR N/A 00:23:38
sam wedgwood 10/09/16 GHS FINAL (Qualifiers only - Automatically entered) K33/10D N/A 00:23:56
MARK PERCIVAL 04/09/16 lancaster cycling club (90 riders) L2524 - LEVENS DNS
MARK PERCIVAL 03/09/16 north lancashire road club (max 90 riders) L101 - BROCK DNS
Patrick Pennefather 27/08/16 border city wheelers cc L108 - TEBAY N/A 00:22:37
Chris Highton 27/08/16 border city wheelers cc L108 - TEBAY DNS Claim
william armstrong 27/08/16 border city wheelers cc L108 - TEBAY N/A 00:27:16
Kenneth Brown 27/08/16 border city wheelers cc L108 - TEBAY DNS
patrick pennefather 31/07/16 north lancashire time trial association (nltta championship) LZZ N/A 3:58:36
kenneth brown 31/07/16 north lancashire time trial association (nltta championship) LZZ N/A 4:35:16
kenneth brown 31/07/16 north lancashire time trial association (nltta championship) LZZ DNS Claim
John Mason 30/07/16 pendle forest cc L1015 - LEVENS N/A 00:22:43