Simon |
Ward |
09/07/16 |
valley striders cc (charity event) |
V235 |
N/A |
00:59:19 |
hannah |
bayes |
06/07/16 |
team swift (slowest 90 riders)(inc 18 ladies max) |
V718 |
N/A |
00:23:54 |
Robert |
Corney |
02/07/16 |
yorkshire cycling federation (cheques to p hurt)(ycf points series)(2 events 120 max machines) |
V259/1 |
N/A |
2:08:04 |
Stephen |
Dodds |
02/07/16 |
yorkshire cycling federation (cheques to p hurt)(ycf points series)(2 events 120 max machines) |
V259/1 |
N/A |
2:01:31 |
Mike |
Potter |
02/07/16 |
yorkshire cycling federation (cheques to p hurt)(ycf points series)(2 events 120 max machines) |
V259/1 |
N/A |
2:14:58 |
Brian |
Ward |
26/06/16 |
otley cc |
V258 |
N/A |
2:27:21 |
Claim |
Simon |
Ward |
26/06/16 |
otley cc |
V258 |
N/A |
1:54:57 |
Harry |
Butterworth |
25/06/16 |
ghs district championship (yorkshire dc)(bridlington cc )(under 17 on 31st august)(cheques to bridlington cc)(championship entry forms only) |
V415 |
N/A |
00:29:06 |
karl |
williamson |
25/06/16 |
bridlington cc (cheques to bridlington cc)(yorkshire spoco event) |
V415 |
hannah |
bayes |
25/06/16 |
ghs district championship (yorkshire dc)(bridlington cc )(under 17 on 31st august)(cheques to bridlington cc)(championship entry forms only) |
V415 |
N/A |
00:28:29 |
Brian |
Ward |
18/06/16 |
yorkshire rc (cheques to p hurt) (150 riders) |
V232/1 |
Claim |
Mike |
Potter |
18/06/16 |
yorkshire rc (cheques to p hurt) (150 riders) |
V232/1 |
N/A |
1:00:16 |
brian |
ward |
11/06/16 |
adept precision rt (cheques to g mcbean)(entries close 02/06/2016) |
T252/2 |
N/A |
1:07:10 |
Claim |
Simon |
Ward |
11/06/16 |
adept precision rt (cheques to g mcbean)(entries close 02/06/2016) |
T252/2 |
robert |
grainger |
11/06/16 |
adept precision rt (cheques to g mcbean)(entries close 02/06/2016) |
T252/2 |
N/A |
00:57:36 |
ray |
gullen |
04/06/16 |
drighlington bc (max 150 machines 2 events)(pref to yorkshire dc clubs)(cheques to g rhodes) |
V718 |
Claim |
mike |
potter |
04/06/16 |
drighlington bc (max 150 machines 2 events)(pref to yorkshire dc clubs)(cheques to g rhodes) |
V718 |
N/A |
00:23:42 |
Claim |
robert |
grainger |
04/06/16 |
drighlington bc (max 150 machines 2 events)(pref to yorkshire dc clubs)(cheques to g rhodes) |
V718 |
karl |
williamson |
04/06/16 |
drighlington bc (max 150 machines 2 events)(pref to yorkshire dc clubs)(cheques to g rhodes) |
V718 |
robert |
grainger |
28/05/16 |
holme valley wheelers (150 machines 3 events) |
V237 |
N/A |
1:01:45 |
robert |
grainger |
22/05/16 |
lincolnshire rra |
C10/9 |
N/A |
00:22:50 |
Mike |
Potter |
21/05/16 |
yorkshire cycling federation (pref to member clubs)(2 events max 150 machines) (ycf points series) |
V718 |
robert |
grainger |
21/05/16 |
yorkshire cycling federation (pref to member clubs)(2 events max 150 machines) (ycf points series) |
V718 |
N/A |
00:22:27 |
Robert |
Corney |
21/05/16 |
yorkshire cycling federation (pref to member clubs)(2 events max 150 machines) (ycf points series) |
V718 |
N/A |
00:22:22 |
Nev |
Watson |
21/05/16 |
yorkshire cycling federation (pref to member clubs)(2 events max 150 machines) (ycf points series) |
V718 |