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Southborough & Dist. Whs Results

Results for members of Southborough & Dist. Whs
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Michael Saadat 20/05/17 medway velo club (max 120 machines) Q10/24 DNS
Natasha Jarman 20/05/17 medway velo club (max 120 machines) Q10/24 N/A 00:30:46
David Rumm 20/05/17 southern counties cu (max 90 riders) G10/57 N/A 00:21:44
Paul Greer 20/05/17 southern counties cu (max 90 riders) G10/57 DNS
Michael Saadat 20/05/17 southern counties cu (max 90 riders) G10/57 DNS
Michael Daniels 20/05/17 southern counties cu (max 90 riders) G10/57 N/A 00:28:39
Chris Wolton 14/05/17 san fairy ann cc (spoco) Q50/1 DNS
Mark Arnell 14/05/17 san fairy ann cc (spoco) Q50/1 DNS
Peter Rowe 14/05/17 san fairy ann cc (spoco) Q50/1 DNF
Andrew Quye 14/05/17 san fairy ann cc (spoco) Q50/1 N/A 2:13:11
Guy Lane 14/05/17 worthing excelsior cc G25/54 DNS
Paul Greer 14/05/17 worthing excelsior cc G25/54 N/A 00:59:34
David Bagge 14/05/17 worthing excelsior cc G25/54 N/A 1:01:18
David Rumm 14/05/17 worthing excelsior cc G25/54 N/A 00:56:48
MARK GIDNEY 14/05/17 norlond tt combine F1/50B DNS
Chris Wolton 13/05/17 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 N/A 00:26:30
Ian Hodge 13/05/17 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 DNF
Mark Arnell 13/05/17 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 DNS
Matt Kuwertz 13/05/17 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 N/A 00:21:56
Ian Turner 13/05/17 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 N/A 00:25:49
Michael Daniels 13/05/17 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 N/A 00:30:51
Michael Saadat 13/05/17 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 DNF
Charles Dennison 13/05/17 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 DNS
Neil Couchman 13/05/17 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 N/A 00:22:48
Natasha Jarman 13/05/17 elite cycling G10/57 N/A 00:27:14