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Somer Valley Cycling Club Results

Results for members of Somer Valley Cycling Club
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Robert Latchem 15/07/17 ross-on-wye & dist cc (men)(240 riders in 4 events) R10/17 N/A 00:24:57
Nick Creed 01/07/17 somer valley cc(wtta hardriders) U303 DNS
Andrew Diffey 01/07/17 somer valley cc(wtta hardriders) U303 N/A 00:51:15
martin wiltshire 01/07/17 somer valley cc(wtta hardriders) U303 N/A 00:53:32
John Gregory 01/07/17 somer valley cc(wtta hardriders) U303 N/A 00:54:36
Dave Hurley 01/07/17 somer valley cc(wtta hardriders) U303 N/A 00:55:35
Steve Wiltshire 01/07/17 somer valley cc(wtta hardriders) U303 N/A 00:56:53
Robert Francis 01/07/17 somer valley cc(wtta hardriders) U303 N/A 00:50:45
Andrew Diffey 18/06/17 western time trials association (wtta hardriders) U86/100 N/A 4:36:19
Robert Latchem 11/06/17 bristol south cc U86/50 N/A 2:24:22
Robert Latchem 14/05/17 cheltenham and county cycling club (wtta hardriders) U75 N/A 1:03:56
Robert Latchem 13/05/17 bristol south cc U102 N/A 00:27:02
martin wiltshire 22/04/17 bath cc U375 N/A 00:24:08
Steve Wiltshire 22/04/17 bath cc U375 N/A 00:26:29
John Gregory 22/04/17 bath cc U375 N/A 00:24:22
Andrew Diffey 22/04/17 bath cc U375 N/A 00:24:42
Peter Barrett 22/04/17 bath cc U375 N/A 00:23:28
Robert Latchem 16/04/17 cc weymouth P451/10 N/A 00:27:13
John Gregory 26/03/17 western time trials association (wtta hardriders) U871 N/A 1:21:56
Andrew Diffey 26/03/17 western time trials association (wtta hardriders) U871 N/A 1:27:07
Robert Latchem 26/03/17 western time trials association (wtta hardriders) U871 N/A 1:34:57
Dave Hurley 25/03/17 the university of bristol cycling club U102 DNS
Tim Reed 19/03/17 bath cc (wtta hardriders) U32R N/A 1:09:11
John Gregory 19/03/17 bath cc (wtta hardriders) U32R N/A 1:11:28
Andrew Diffey 19/03/17 bath cc (wtta hardriders) U32R N/A 1:13:42