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Ratae RC Results

Results for members of Ratae RC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Chris Spray 07/08/16 ratae rc A10/11 N/A 00:23:25
Alex Whitmore 07/08/16 ratae rc A10/11 N/A 00:22:26
Terry Horsburgh 07/08/16 ratae rc A10/11 N/A 00:26:58
Anthony Spence 07/08/16 ratae rc A10/11 N/A 00:24:54
David York 07/08/16 ratae rc A10/11 N/A 00:27:52
Steve Rhodes 07/08/16 ratae rc A10/11 N/A 00:22:35
Grant Hammond 07/08/16 ratae rc A10/11 N/A 00:27:26
Rob Bennett 07/08/16 ratae rc A10/11 N/A 00:28:26
ed watson 07/08/16 ratae rc A10/11 N/A 00:23:19
Alex Whitmore 31/07/16 manchester bicycle club hilly tt J8/23 DNS
Rob Bennett 30/07/16 rugby racing cycling club (150 riders) K11/10T N/A 00:28:25
Daniel Reidenbach 30/07/16 melton olympic cc inc vtta (nottm & e.mids) (slowest 120 riders) (cheques to b fenwick) A25/34 N/A 00:59:08
Chris Spray 30/07/16 melton olympic cc inc vtta (nottm & e.mids) (slowest 120 riders) (cheques to b fenwick) A25/34 N/A 1:00:49
David York 30/07/16 melton olympic cc inc vtta (nottm & e.mids) (slowest 120 riders) (cheques to b fenwick) A25/34 N/A 1:09:48
Alex Whitmore 30/07/16 chronos rt (cheques to stuart tarry) F2/10A DNS
ed watson 30/07/16 melton olympic cc inc vtta (nottm & e.mids) (slowest 120 riders) (cheques to b fenwick) A25/34 N/A 00:57:56
Rob Bennett 23/07/16 northampton & district ca (pref to n&dca clubs) F14/25 N/A 1:20:51
Chris Spray 23/07/16 islington cc F15/10 DNS
Alex Whitmore 17/07/16 east district ca (district championship) B100/4 DNS
ed watson 16/07/16 team cambridge F2/10D N/A 00:22:09
david york 09/07/16 sherwood cc A10/14 N/A 00:27:20 Claim
Anthony Spence 09/07/16 sherwood cc A10/14 N/A 00:23:43
Chris Spray 09/07/16 sherwood cc A10/14 N/A 00:23:11
ed watson 09/07/16 sherwood cc A10/14 N/A 00:22:37
Chris Spray 19/06/16 hinckley crc K41/10 N/A 00:24:43