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Port Talbot Whs CC Results

Results for members of Port Talbot Whs CC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
stuart evans 10/09/17 port talbot whs cc (women, juniors + men (overflow)) (240 riders in 3 events) R25/3H N/A 00:57:16
Robert Lucas 10/09/17 port talbot whs cc (women, juniors + men (overflow)) (240 riders in 3 events) R25/3H N/A 1:03:49
Matt J Smith 09/09/17 cardiff 100 miles rcc R10/17 DNS
Owain Roberts 09/09/17 cardiff 100 miles rcc R10/17 DNS
Eden Rae Davies 09/09/17 national youth championship final (south east midlands dc)(qualifiers only - automatically entered) N1/10 DNS
Matthew Smith 03/09/17 welsh ca (welsh championship) R100/8 DNS
Heath Williams 03/09/17 welsh ca (welsh championship) R100/8 DNS
Hollie Labunsky 02/09/17 sportzmad R10/17 N/A 00:24:33
Owain Roberts 02/09/17 sportzmad R10/17 N/A 00:22:28
Christopher Jones 02/09/17 sportzmad R10/17 DNS
stuart evans 27/08/17 fairly united cycling team H10/17R N/A 00:23:32
Matthew Smith 27/08/17 team swift (charity event)(men)(slower than 22.00 lts)(entries close 10/08/17) V718 N/A 00:21:24
stuart evans 20/08/17 www.realteam.co.uk (men)(chq to m heritage-owen) (240 riders in 2 events) R25/3H N/A 00:56:09
Owain Roberts 20/08/17 www.realteam.co.uk (men)(chq to m heritage-owen) (240 riders in 2 events) R25/3H N/A 00:55:44
Rod Hicks 20/08/17 www.realteam.co.uk (men)(chq to m heritage-owen) (240 riders in 2 events) R25/3H DNS
Hugh Davies 20/08/17 www.realteam.co.uk (chq to m heritage-owen) (women, juniors + m (overflow)) (240 riders in 2 events) R25/3H N/A 00:58:31
Robert Lucas 20/08/17 www.realteam.co.uk (chq to m heritage-owen) (women, juniors + m (overflow)) (240 riders in 2 events) R25/3H N/A 1:01:03
Christopher Jones 20/08/17 www.realteam.co.uk (men)(chq to m heritage-owen) (240 riders in 2 events) R25/3H N/A 00:51:01
stuart evans 19/08/17 sportzmad R10/17 DNS
Owain Roberts 19/08/17 sportzmad R10/17 N/A 00:22:58
Christopher Jones 19/08/17 sportzmad R10/17 N/A 00:21:00
Eden Rae Davies 13/08/17 pontypool rcc (youths)(welsh championship) (5 events 240 riders max) R10/17 N/A 00:33:13
Christopher Jones 13/08/17 pontypool rcc (men)(welsh championship) (5 events 240 riders max) R10/17 N/A 00:20:55
Owain Roberts 13/08/17 pontypool rcc (men)(welsh championship) (5 events 240 riders max) R10/17 N/A 00:22:26
stuart evans 13/08/17 pontypool rcc (men)(welsh championship) (5 events 240 riders max) R10/17 N/A 00:23:00