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Port Talbot Whs CC Results

Results for members of Port Talbot Whs CC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Owain Roberts 13/05/17 vtta (south wales) R10/17 N/A 00:23:20
rod hicks 13/05/17 vtta (south wales) R10/17 DNS
Robert Lucas 13/05/17 vtta (south wales) R10/17 N/A 00:25:27
stuart evans 13/05/17 vtta (south wales) R10/17 N/A 00:23:10
stuart evans 07/05/17 cc blaenau gwent R25/7 N/A 00:58:02
Ross Simpson 07/05/17 cc blaenau gwent R25/7 DNS
Hugh Davies 07/05/17 cc blaenau gwent R25/7 N/A 00:59:10
Eden Rae Davies 06/05/17 national youth championship (south wales dc)(under 17 on 31 august)(championship entry forms only) R10/23 N/A 00:31:14
Morgan Ley 06/05/17 port talbot whs cc R10/23 N/A 00:27:49
Wendy Lacey 06/05/17 port talbot whs cc R10/23 N/A 00:32:10
Matt J Smith 06/05/17 lea valley cc (3 events - 180 machines)(mm slower than 22.40 lts) E2/10 N/A 00:21:26
Hollie Labunsky 06/05/17 port talbot whs cc R10/23 N/A 00:27:40
rod hicks 06/05/17 port talbot whs cc R10/23 N/A 00:23:25
Matthew Smith 06/05/17 port talbot whs cc R10/23 N/A 00:26:26
Les Thomas 06/05/17 port talbot whs cc R10/23 DNS
Robert Lucas 06/05/17 port talbot whs cc R10/23 N/A 00:27:33
Owain Roberts 06/05/17 port talbot whs cc R10/23 N/A 00:24:50
andrew blanco-martin 06/05/17 port talbot whs cc R10/23 DNS
stuart evans 06/05/17 port talbot whs cc R10/23 N/A 00:25:02
stuart evans 01/05/17 vtta london & home counties (150 riders)(vtta members only)(entries close 14/04/17) F11/10 N/A 00:22:30
Matt J Smith 01/05/17 vtta london & home counties (150 riders)(vtta members only)(entries close 14/04/17) F11/10 N/A 00:23:27
stuart evans 30/04/17 vtta national championship (promoted by yorkshire vtta)(vtta members only)(150 riders) V728 DNS
rod hicks 30/04/17 welsh ca (welsh championship)(men) (championship field setting) (240 riders in 2 events) (chq to m heritage-owen) R25/3H DNS
Ross Simpson 30/04/17 welsh ca (welsh championship)(men) (championship field setting) (240 riders in 2 events) (chq to m heritage-owen) R25/3H DNS
Morgan Ley 30/04/17 welsh ca (welsh championship) (w, j) + m overflow (non championship) (240 riders in 2 events)(chq to m heritage-owen) R25/3H N/A 1:05:00