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North Devon Velo Results

Results for members of North Devon Velo
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Mark Lees 06/04/14 www.realteam.co.uk 25 DNS Claim
Zoe Betteridge 06/04/14 www.realteam.co.uk 25 (W, J & Overflow) DNS Claim
Mark Lees 30/03/14 Exeter Whs 17 N/A 00:34:52
Peter Cropper 30/03/14 Exeter Whs 17 N/A 00:40:59 Claim
Zoe Betteridge (L) 30/03/14 Exeter Whs 17 N/A 00:42:16
Tom Evans 02/03/14 Plymouth Corinthian Hilly 13 N/A 00:33:29 Claim
Mark Lees 23/02/14 City Cycle Couriers RT N/A 00:23:09
Blake Pond 23/02/14 City Cycle Couriers RT DNS Claim
Sean Henderson 29/09/13 Minehead CC Hill Climb N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Zoe Betteridge 29/09/13 Minehead CC Hill Climb N/A 00:00:00
Patrick Weston 29/09/13 Minehead CC Hill Climb N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Ian Rowe 28/09/13 Mid Devon CC Haytor Hill Climb N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Isaac Rowe 28/09/13 Mid Devon CC Haytor Hill Climb N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Ray Retter 01/09/13 BDCA 100 N/A 4:23:56 Claim
David Rouse 01/09/13 Exeter Whs 25 N/A 00:56:04
Crystal Spearman 01/09/13 Exeter Whs 25 N/A 00:59:52 Claim
David Rouse 25/08/13 One & All Cycling 25 N/A 00:55:06
Harry Edney 25/08/13 One & All Cycling 25 N/A 00:57:02 Claim
Crystal Spearman 25/08/13 One & All Cycling 25 N/A 1:00:33 Claim
Rebecca Timothy 25/08/13 One & All Cycling 25 N/A 1:02:10 Claim
Sally Edney 25/08/13 One & All Cycling 25 N/A 1:08:08 Claim
Graham Moir & Harry Edney 18/08/13 CS Dynamo 2up 10 N/A 00:20:49 Claim
Ray Retter 20/07/13 RTTC National Championship 24Hr N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Ray Retter 14/07/13 RTTC National Championship 100 (Men) N/A 4:27:21 Claim
B Pond 07/07/13 Camel Valley C&TC 25 DNS Claim