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Gloucester City Cycling Club Results

Results for members of Gloucester City Cycling Club
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Andrew Shipton 22/04/17 gloucester city cc (wtta hardriders) U72 N/A 1:01:32
Peter Errington 22/04/17 gloucester city cc (wtta hardriders) U72 N/A 1:03:22
Matthew Hill 22/04/17 gloucester city cc (wtta hardriders) U72 N/A 1:05:54
Vincent Douglas 22/04/17 gloucester city cc (wtta hardriders) U72 N/A 1:05:37
Ian Wareing 22/04/17 gloucester city cc (wtta hardriders) U72 N/A 1:10:27
Oliver Dammone 22/04/17 gloucester city cc (wtta hardriders) U72 N/A 1:01:02
Gerry McGarr 22/04/17 gloucester city cc (wtta hardriders) U72 N/A 1:05:43
Justin Di Tommaso 22/04/17 gloucester city cc (wtta hardriders) U72 N/A 1:05:39
Peter Habershon 22/04/17 gloucester city cc (wtta hardriders) U72 N/A 1:03:12
Peter Habershon 17/04/17 hereford & district wheelers cc R25/8C N/A 1:03:00
Justin Di Tommaso 16/04/17 Performance Cycles CC (4up TTT) (Male TT bikes) (Fee per rider)(100 teams max across all events) U463 DNF
Peter Habershon 16/04/17 Performance Cycles CC (4up TTT) (Male TT bikes) (Fee per rider)(100 teams max across all events) U463 N/A 00:55:23
Bruce Diesel 16/04/17 Performance Cycles CC (4up TTT) (Male TT bikes) (Fee per rider)(100 teams max across all events) U463 N/A 00:55:23
Simon Witts 16/04/17 Performance Cycles CC (4up TTT) (Male TT bikes) (Fee per rider)(100 teams max across all events) U463 N/A 00:55:23
Claire Taylor 16/04/17 Performance Cycles CC (4up TTT) (Mixed Teams TT bikes) (Fee per rider)(100 teams max across all events) U463 N/A 1:01:21
Oliver Dammone 02/04/17 merthyr cc (entries close 19/03/17) R25/3H N/A 00:55:06
Nigel Jones 25/03/17 vc sevale (malvern) K46/10 DNS
Sean Townsend 19/03/17 royal dean forest cc R25/7 N/A 00:52:25
Vincent Douglas 18/03/17 sportzmad R10/17 N/A 00:24:14
Justin Di Tommaso 18/03/17 sportzmad R10/17 N/A 00:23:34
Nigel Jones 18/03/17 sportzmad R10/17 DNS
Simon Witts 18/03/17 sportzmad R10/17 N/A 00:22:35
Sean Townsend 05/03/17 chippenham & district wheelers (wtta hardriders) U601A N/A 00:55:34
Gerry McGarr 05/03/17 antelope rt (2-up ttt)(fee per rider) P140 DNS
Simon Witts 26/02/17 severn rc (2-up ttt)(fee per rider) U109 N/A 1:06:26