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East Lancashire RC Results

Results for members of East Lancashire RC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Jack Millar 30/10/16 RTTC National Championship (Matlock CC)(entries close 11/10/2016) AHC/6 N/A
IAN JACKSON 23/10/16 yorkshire rc (cheques to p hurt)(enteries close 15/10/16) V9916 DNS Claim
Alex Trippier 23/10/16 matlock cc AHC/1 DNS
Jack Millar 23/10/16 matlock cc AHC/1 N/A
Jack Millar 16/10/16 north lancashire road club L806 - NICK O PENDLE N/A
Alex Trippier 16/10/16 north lancashire road club L806 - NICK O PENDLE N/A
Sam Walley 09/10/16 lancashire road club L812 - RAKE N/A
Jack Millar 09/10/16 lancashire road club L812 - RAKE N/A
Cameron Pilkington 09/10/16 lancashire road club L812 - RAKE N/A
Joseph Cooke 09/10/16 lancashire road club L812 - RAKE N/A
Patrick Cooke 09/10/16 lancashire road club L812 - RAKE N/A
Alex Trippier 09/10/16 lancashire road club L812 - RAKE N/A
Oliver Makinson 09/10/16 lancashire road club L812 - RAKE N/A
IAN JACKSON 09/10/16 lancashire road club L812 - RAKE N/A
IAN JACKSON 02/10/16 withington wheelers J9/1 N/A
David Ireland 01/10/16 warrington road club (2-upttt) J2/9 N/A 1:03:07
David Trippier 01/10/16 warrington road club (2-upttt) J2/9 N/A 1:03:07
IAN JACKSON 25/09/16 glossop kinder velo cc J9/5 N/A
Paul Ashworth 17/09/16 team swift (slowest 120 riders) V718 N/A 00:21:27
Noah Codling 17/09/16 team swift (slowest 120 riders) V718 N/A 00:23:26
Jason Codling 17/09/16 team swift (slowest 120 riders) V718 N/A 00:22:25
Peter Matthew 17/09/16 team swift (slowest 120 riders) V718 N/A 00:27:14
David Ireland 17/09/16 team swift (slowest 120 riders) V718 N/A 00:23:55
Chris Green 11/09/16 east lancs rc (2 stage hc) (90 riders max) (11am/1pm) J9/19 N/A 00:10:23
Jack Millar 11/09/16 east lancs rc (2 stage hc) (90 riders max) (11am/1pm) J9/19 N/A 00:12:25