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Chelmer CC Results

Results for members of Chelmer CC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Scott Clark 15/09/13 ECCA 25 N/A 1:03:25 Claim
Sam Wightman 15/09/13 ECCA 25 N/A 1:04:45 Claim
Mary Bower 15/09/13 CC Breckland 50 N/A 2:03:44 Claim
Philip Paffey 15/09/13 ECCA 25 N/A 1:06:00 Claim
Corinna Francis 14/09/13 Team Swift 10 N/A 00:22:24 Claim
Graham Painter 08/09/13 Eagle RC 45 DNS Claim
John Golder 08/09/13 Port Talbot Whs 25 (W,J & Overflow) N/A 00:56:00
James Endicott 08/09/13 Eagle RC 45 N/A 1:52:22 Claim
Claire Lee 08/09/13 Port Talbot Whs 25 (W,J & Overflow) N/A 00:57:46
Sam Wightman 08/09/13 Eagle RC 45 N/A 2:03:13 Claim
Corinna Francis 08/09/13 Port Talbot Whs 25 (W,J & Overflow) N/A 00:57:50 Claim
Philip Paffey 08/09/13 Eagle RC 45 N/A 2:07:29 Claim
Chris Holmes 08/09/13 Port Talbot Whs 25 (W,J & Overflow) DNS Claim
Andrew Reynolds 08/09/13 Eagle RC 45 N/A 2:11:31 Claim
Scott Clark 08/09/13 Eagle RC 45 DNS Claim
Timothy Torrie 07/09/13 GHS Championship Final N/A 00:25:13 Claim
Mary Bower 01/09/13 BDCA 100 N/A 4:18:59 Claim
Claire Lee 01/09/13 BDCA 100 N/A 4:22:26
Ann Shuttleworth 01/09/13 BDCA 100 N/A 4:31:36
Corinna Francis 01/09/13 BDCA 100 DNS Claim
Antony Stapleton 01/09/13 BDCA 100 DNS Claim
James Endicott 01/09/13 Colchester Rovers 25 N/A 00:59:13 Claim
Claire Lee 26/08/13 VC10 10 N/A 00:23:27
Corinna Francis 26/08/13 VC Norwich 10 DNS Claim
Corinna Francis 26/08/13 VC10 10 DNS Claim