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Beeston Cycling Club Results

Results for members of Beeston Cycling Club
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Richard Ferguson 09/04/22 Melton Olympic CC (Cheques to K R Gent) A10/3 N/A 00:22:55
Oliver Sewell 20/03/22 RTTC National Road Bike Championship / Time Trial Centenary Event (Juniors)(Central District)(Road Bikes Only)(entries close 22/02/22) A25/34 N/A 1:05:42
Matthew Kent 05/03/22 Sheffrec CC (2up TTT)(fee per rider) O25/11 N/A 00:31:25
Laura Owler 26/12/21 New Forest CC (entries close 12/12/21) P311 N/A
Laura Owler 31/10/21 RTTC National Hill Climb Championship sponsored by Irwin Mitchell Solicitors (Women)(Max 360 riders)(entries close 12/10/21) OHC/1 N/A
Zoe Langham 31/10/21 RTTC National Hill Climb Championship sponsored by Irwin Mitchell Solicitors (Women)(Max 360 riders)(entries close 12/10/21) OHC/1 N/A
Rebekah Smith 31/10/21 RTTC National Hill Climb Championship sponsored by Irwin Mitchell Solicitors (Women)(Max 360 riders)(entries close 12/10/21) OHC/1 N/A
Ryan Williams 31/10/21 RTTC National Hill Climb Championship sponsored by Irwin Mitchell Solicitors (Junior Men)(Max 360 riders)(entries close 12/10/21) OHC/1 N/A
Matthew Sparkes 31/10/21 RTTC National Hill Climb Championship sponsored by Irwin Mitchell Solicitors (Men)(Max 360 riders)(entries close 12/10/21) OHC/1 N/A
Lewis Holmes 31/10/21 RTTC National Hill Climb Championship sponsored by Irwin Mitchell Solicitors (Junior Men)(Max 360 riders)(entries close 12/10/21) OHC/1 N/A
Matthew Sparkes 24/10/21 Matlock CC AHC/6 N/A
Ryan Williams 24/10/21 Matlock CC AHC/6 N/A
Ryan Williams 24/10/21 Matlock CC AHC/1 N/A
Matthew Sparkes 24/10/21 Matlock CC AHC/1 N/A
Laura Owler 24/10/21 Bristol South Cycling Club (WTTA Hardriders) UH26 N/A
Laura Owler 10/10/21 VC Walcot UH35 N/A
Laura Owler 10/10/21 Bath Cycling Club UH50 N/A
Will Beech 09/10/21 Rutland CC OHC/10 DNS
Ryan Williams 09/10/21 Rutland CC (Juveniles) OHC/10 DNS
Laura Owler 09/10/21 The University of Bristol Cycling Club (Women) UH45 N/A
Ryan Williams 03/10/21 Sheffrec CC (Monsal)(overflow event)(closed road no lower age limit) OHC/3 N/A
Sam Amps 03/10/21 Sheffrec CC (Monsal)(closed road no lower age limit) OHC/3 N/A
Matthew Sparkes 03/10/21 Sheffrec CC (Monsal)(closed road no lower age limit) OHC/3 N/A
Zoe Langham 03/10/21 Sheffrec CC (Monsal)(closed road no lower age limit) OHC/3 DNF
Ryan Williams 26/09/21 Team Lifting Gear Products / Cycles in Motion OHC18 N/A