Login is restricted to district users
First Name | Last Name | Date | Event | Course | Pos | Result | |
Grant | Orsborn | 08/04/17 | lea valley cc | E2/25 | N/A | 00:53:53 | |
Grant | Orsborn | 02/04/17 | hemel hempstead cc (london north millennium 2 of 8) | F11/22 | N/A | 00:58:11 | |
Grant | Orsborn | 12/03/17 | lea valley cc | E1/25B | N/A | 00:59:44 | |
Cody | Nelson | 21/08/16 | cc london | F10/25 | N/A | 1:04:42 | |
Cody | Nelson | 24/07/16 | verulam cc | F1/25B | N/A | 1:01:00 | |
Cody | Nelson | 09/07/16 | team salesengine.co.uk | F2/10D | N/A | 00:24:24 | |
Cody | Nelson | 25/06/16 | dunstable rcc | F11/10 | N/A | 00:23:39 | |
cody | nelson | 10/04/16 | bedfordshire road cc | F1/25B | N/A | 1:07:33 | |
Thomas | Robb | 25/10/15 | RTTC NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP (Yorkshire Cycling Federation)(Entries close 6/10/2015) | V9912/1 | N/A | 00:00:00 | |
Patrick | Smith | 03/10/15 | VTTA (East Anglia)(Leo 30)(Inc VTTA East Anglia & ECCA Champs) | E2/30 | N/A | 1:03:14 | |
John | Mitcalf | 03/10/15 | VTTA (East Anglia)(Leo 30)(Inc VTTA East Anglia & ECCA Champs) | E2/30 | N/A | 1:05:34 | |
Peter | Gell | 03/10/15 | VTTA (East Anglia)(Leo 30)(Inc VTTA East Anglia & ECCA Champs) | E2/30 | N/A | 1:07:27 | |
David | Cook | 03/10/15 | VTTA (East Anglia)(Leo 30)(Inc VTTA East Anglia & ECCA Champs) | E2/30 | N/A | 1:08:06 | |
Mark | Gray | 03/10/15 | VTTA (East Anglia)(Leo 30)(Inc VTTA East Anglia & ECCA Champs) | E2/30 | DNS | Claim | |
Jon | Fern | 26/09/15 | Kettering CC (Road Bikes) | N3/10C | N/A | 00:26:17 | Claim |
Peter | Gell | 12/09/15 | VTTA (Pref to East Anglia Vets members) | E2/10 | N/A | 00:23:35 | Claim |
Paul | French | 12/09/15 | Stevenage CC (60 riders)(Entries close 03/09/2015) | F14/12 | DNS | Claim | |
Peter | Gell | 05/09/15 | Team Velovelocity | E2/25 | N/A | 00:56:17 | Claim |
David | Cook | 05/09/15 | Team Velovelocity | E2/25 | N/A | 00:57:47 | |
Phillip | Jenkins | 05/09/15 | Team Velovelocity | E2/25 | N/A | 00:57:51 | Claim |
Mark | Gray | 05/09/15 | Team Velovelocity | E2/25 | DNS | Claim | |
Jason | Green | 05/09/15 | Icknield RC Charity Event (150 Solos + Tandems)(Preference to London North Clubs) | F11/10 | N/A | 00:20:53 | |
Patrick | Smith | 05/09/15 | Team Velovelocity | E2/25 | N/A | 00:53:02 | |
Kieron | Lewis | 05/09/15 | Icknield RC Charity Event (150 Solos + Tandems)(Preference to London North Clubs) | F11/10 | DNS | Claim | |
Jason | Green | 29/08/15 | Bossard Wheelers CC | F15/10 | N/A | 00:21:29 |