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Bedfordshire Road CC Results

Results for members of Bedfordshire Road CC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Mark Cook 09/04/11 Lea Valley CC 25 N/A 00:54:09 Claim
Lyndon Lewis 05/09/10 BTTC (Masters E) DNS Claim
Lyndon Lewis 21/08/10 N&DCA 15.6 DNS Claim
Cliff Dixon 21/08/10 N&DCA 15.6 N/A 00:42:56 Claim
Richard Pratt 21/08/10 N&DCA 15.6 N/A 00:49:16 Claim
Des Roberts 21/08/10 N&DCA 15.6 DNS Claim
Philip O'Dell 07/08/10 Hemel Hempstead CC 10 N/A 00:23:07 Claim
P Hall 01/08/10 Hitchin Nomads CC MM 25 N/A 1:01:57 Claim
M Chudley 01/08/10 Hitchin Nomads CC MM 25 N/A 1:07:48 Claim
Des Roberts 31/07/10 Northampton & District CA 25 N/A 1:21:49 Claim
Cliff Dixon 31/07/10 Northampton & District CA 25 N/A 1:01:14 Claim
Michael Bennister 31/07/10 Northampton & District CA 25 N/A 1:01:46 Claim
Paul Hall 31/07/10 Northampton & District CA 25 N/A 1:02:58 Claim
Richard Pratt 31/07/10 Northampton & District CA 25 N/A 1:14:35 Claim
Paul Hall 25/07/10 Verulam CC 25 N/A 1:02:47 Claim
Terry Bush 04/07/10 Icknield RC 12hr N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Matt Chudley 04/07/10 Icknield RC 12hr DNS Claim
Phill Keefe 03/07/10 Whitewebbs CC 10 N/A 00:22:16 Claim
Terry Sykes 20/06/10 Ely & District10 N/A 00:33:24 Claim
Matt Chudley 06/06/10 Hitchin Nomads CC 25 N/A 1:01:30 Claim
Paul Hall 06/06/10 Hitchin Nomads CC 25 N/A 1:01:58 Claim
Phill Keefe 06/06/10 Hitchin Nomads CC 25 N/A 1:04:42 Claim
Richard Hollingsworth 24/04/10 St Ives CC 10 (Tandem) N/A 00:28:18 Claim
Lesley Novis 24/04/10 St Ives CC 10 (Tandem) N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Paul Hall 24/04/10 St Ives CC 10 N/A 00:24:53 Claim