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Bedfordshire Road CC Results

Results for members of Bedfordshire Road CC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Gerrard Rafferty 25/06/21 Team Salesengine.co.uk (90 riders) F15/10 N/A 00:23:34
Graham Laming 25/06/21 Team Salesengine.co.uk (90 riders) F15/10 N/A 00:25:32
Matt Chudley 25/06/21 Team Salesengine.co.uk (90 riders) F15/10 N/A 00:28:25
Joanne Woodcock 25/06/21 Team Salesengine.co.uk (90 riders) F15/10 N/A 00:27:09
Sean Bradley 20/06/21 Bynea CC R25/4 N/A
Emily Robertson 20/06/21 Didcot Phoenix Cycling Club (50% women) H25/17 N/A Claim
Alex Lubbock 19/06/21 Hertfordshire Wheelers (70 riders) F20/10 N/A 00:24:37
Gerrard Rafferty 09/06/21 East Anglian VTTA (Preference to EA VTTA members) E2/10 N/A 00:23:45
Emily Robertson 06/06/21 RTTC National Circuit Championship / Merlin Cycles Classic Series (5 of 6)(South East Midlands DC)( Road bikes only)(Entries close 11/05/21) NC16N N/A 1:30:54
Carmen Parfitt 06/06/21 Bedfordshire Road Cycling Club (BRCC) F1/10B N/A 00:40:29
Miriam Taylor-Carter 06/06/21 Bedfordshire Road Cycling Club (BRCC) F1/10B N/A 00:24:02
Jo McDonnell 06/06/21 Bedfordshire Road Cycling Club (BRCC) F1/10B N/A 00:31:47
David Heath 06/06/21 Bedfordshire Road Cycling Club (BRCC) F1/10B N/A 00:28:34
Ed Stivala 06/06/21 Bedfordshire Road Cycling Club (BRCC) F1/10B N/A 00:27:27
Gary Rudd 06/06/21 Oxonian CC H50/17 N/A 2:12:25
Andrew Vaughan 31/05/21 Stowmarket & District C.C. B10/38 N/A 00:25:51
Gerrard Rafferty 31/05/21 Stowmarket & District C.C. B10/38 DNS
Emily Robertson 29/05/21 Northampton & District CA (Round 5)(Road bikes only)(Pref to N&DCA clubs) F14/25 DNS Claim
Sean Bradley 22/05/21 Hitchin Nomads CC (London North Millennium 9 of 9) F14/25 N/A 00:59:05
Miriam Taylor-Carter 22/05/21 Hitchin Nomads CC (London North Millennium 9 of 9) F14/25 N/A 1:05:45
Gerrard Rafferty 16/05/21 Newbury Velo (Pref to slower than 20:00 LTS)(20 places reserved for NV riders) F11/10 N/A 00:21:59
Sean Bradley 16/05/21 Newbury Velo (Pref to slower than 20:00 LTS)(20 places reserved for NV riders) F11/10 N/A 00:21:40
Andrew Vaughan 08/05/21 North Road CC (London North Millennium 7 of 9)(100 riders max) F14/25 N/A
Emily Robertson 08/05/21 North Road CC (London North Millennium 7 of 9)(100 riders max) F14/25 N/A Claim
Sean Bradley 08/05/21 North Road CC (London North Millennium 7 of 9)(100 riders max) F14/25 DNS