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Barnesbury CC Results

Results for members of Barnesbury CC
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Jamie Johnson 02/10/16 allen valley velo (2 stage hill climb) MH16 N/A
Jamie Johnson 25/09/16 sunderland clarion cc (2 stage hill climb) MH20 DNS
Jamie Johnson 18/09/16 gs metro MH11 N/A
Jamie Johnson 11/09/16 wansbeck cc MH9 N/A 00:07:56
Jamie Johnson 10/09/16 cestria cc MH2 N/A 00:04:39
Thomas Hordon 10/09/16 cestria cc MH2 N/A 00:04:57
Anthony Waterston 04/09/16 cleveland coureurs / vtta (north) (all ages)(cheques to g russell) T252/3 DNS
Thomas Hordon 03/09/16 north tyneside riders (2 stage hill climb) MH17 N/A 00:13:44
Jamie Johnson 03/09/16 north tyneside riders (2 stage hill climb) MH17 N/A 00:12:56
Sam Dodd 20/08/16 Blaydon CC - Mini Mountain TT M8 DNS
John Routledge 20/08/16 Blaydon CC - Mini Mountain TT M8 N/A 00:32:43
David Hordon 20/08/16 Blaydon CC - Mini Mountain TT M8 DNS
Ian Doughty 20/08/16 Blaydon CC - Mini Mountain TT M8 DNS
Thomas Hordon 20/08/16 Blaydon CC - Mini Mountain TT M8 DNS
Jamie Johnson 20/08/16 Blaydon CC - Mini Mountain TT M8 DNS
Stephen McIntosh 14/08/16 darlington cc (cheques to darlington cc)(entries close 05/08/2016) T254 DNS
Anthony Waterston 14/08/16 darlington cc (cheques to darlington cc)(entries close 05/08/2016) T254 DNS
gareth davies 07/08/16 barnesbury cc M509 N/A 3:27:03
Anthony Waterston 07/08/16 barnesbury cc M509 DNS
Sam Dodd 07/08/16 barnesbury cc M509 DNF
Anthony Waterston 23/07/16 vtta (yorkshire) (solo event vtta members only pref to yorkshire) V718 N/A 00:19:33
Anthony Waterston 19/07/16 houghton cc M9 N/A 00:21:34
David Hordon 10/07/16 alnwick cycling club M13 N/A 00:34:22
Andrew Dickson 10/07/16 alnwick cycling club M13 DNS
Stephen McIntosh 10/07/16 alnwick cycling club M13 N/A 00:37:28