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Ashford Whs Results

Results for members of Ashford Whs
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Andy Robinson 10/06/18 kent ca (inc vtta kent group champs) Q100 N/A 4:31:14
stewart King 09/06/18 Thanet RC Q10/42 N/A
Lee Buckman 03/06/18 kent ca (Association event) Q50/11 N/A 1:57:41
stewart King 13/05/18 sydenham whs Q25/20 N/A 1:05:17
stewart King 12/05/18 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 N/A 00:24:27
Jon Hollidge 12/05/18 southborough & dist whs Q10/33 DNS
Lee Buckman 12/05/18 ecca (2 events - 90 machines)(ecca clubs only) E2/50C N/A 1:45:29
Samuel Robinson 09/05/18 ...a3crg (entries close 03/05/18) P881 N/A 00:22:36
Samuel Robinson 06/05/18 Welsh CA (Welsh Championship)(Men) (240 riders in 2 events) (chq to M Heritage-Owen) R25/3H N/A 00:54:31
Lee Buckman 06/05/18 wigmore cc (ecca bar)(150 riders) Q25/12 N/A 00:57:45
Andy Robinson 06/05/18 wigmore cc (ecca bar)(150 riders) Q25/12 N/A 1:01:41
Christopher Nicol 06/05/18 wigmore cc (ecca bar)(150 riders) Q25/12 N/A 1:19:14
David Hampton 06/05/18 wigmore cc (ecca bar)(150 riders) Q25/12 DNS
Andrew Cornwell 06/05/18 wigmore cc (ecca bar)(150 riders) Q25/12 N/A 1:19:43
Andy Robinson 29/04/18 VTTA National Championship (including Kent Group Champs) Q30/2 N/A 1:15:58
Lee Buckman 29/04/18 VTTA National Championship (including Kent Group Champs) Q30/2 N/A 1:09:17
Lesley Newman 29/04/18 VTTA National Championship (including Kent Group Champs) Q30/2 N/A 1:37:28
Andy Branson 29/04/18 VTTA National Championship (including Kent Group Champs) Q30/2 N/A 1:15:09
Michael Newman 29/04/18 VTTA National Championship (including Kent Group Champs) Q30/2 N/A 1:18:51
Andrew Cornwell 29/04/18 VTTA National Championship (including Kent Group Champs) Q30/2 N/A 1:35:16
David Hampton 29/04/18 VTTA National Championship (including Kent Group Champs) Q30/2 N/A 1:16:13
Samuel Robinson 29/04/18 VTTA National Championship (including Kent Group Champs) Q30/2 DNS
Rob Sparks 29/04/18 VTTA National Championship (including Kent Group Champs) Q30/2 N/A 1:27:34
Lee Buckman 22/04/18 kent ca (Association event) Q10/22 N/A 00:22:35
Jon Hollidge 22/04/18 kent ca (Association event) Q10/22 DNS