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Ashford Whs Results

Results for members of Ashford Whs
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Samuel Robinson 14/08/16 kent ca Q50/1 DNS
Alec Mayes 14/08/16 ecca (inc vtta east anglia champs)(90 machines 2 events)(entries close 26/07/2016) E2/12HR N/A 198.41 Miles
colin woollard 07/08/16 de laune cc (ecca bar) (under 18's 5.00) Q25/20 N/A 1:03:07 Claim
Mick Claydon 07/08/16 eastbourne rovers cc (entries close 28/07/2016) G25/89 N/A 1:03:54
Mick Claydon 31/07/16 west kent rc Q25/20 N/A 1:06:01
Lee Buckman 30/07/16 team jadan (150 machines 2 events)(men) V718 DNS
Alec Mayes 30/07/16 melton olympic cc inc vtta (nottm & e.mids) (slowest 120 riders) (cheques to b fenwick) A25/34 N/A 1:10:43
Andy Branson 25/06/16 api - metrow (cheques to c worsford) E2/25 N/A 00:54:17
Lee Buckman 25/06/16 api - metrow (cheques to c worsford) E2/25 N/A 00:55:29
Samuel Robinson 25/06/16 api - metrow (cheques to c worsford) E2/25 N/A 00:55:25
Alec Mayes 19/06/16 farnham road club H25/8 N/A 1:10:38
Andy Branson 18/06/16 hemel hempstead cc (150 riders) (entries close 04/06/2016) F11/10 N/A 00:20:56
Andy Robinson 12/06/16 kent ca (inc vtta kent group champs) Q100 DNF
Alec Mayes 12/06/16 kent ca (inc vtta kent group champs) Q100 N/A 5:27:35
Mick Claydon 12/06/16 southborough & district whs G25/89 N/A 1:06:02
Samuel Robinson 12/06/16 southborough & district whs G25/89 DNS
Colin Woollard 12/06/16 kent ca (inc vtta kent group champs) Q100 N/A 4:22:39
Alec Mayes 05/06/16 kent ca Q50/11 N/A 2:35:12
Matthew Stammers 04/06/16 shaftesbury cc (mm slower than 57.00 lts)(cheques to shaftesbury cc) E2/25 DNF
Mick Claydon 04/06/16 shaftesbury cc (mm slower than 57.00 lts)(cheques to shaftesbury cc) E2/25 N/A 00:59:28
Matt Clark 29/05/16 bigfoot cc Q25/8 DNS
Mick Claydon 29/05/16 bigfoot cc Q25/8 N/A 1:05:12
Andy Branson 29/05/16 bigfoot cc Q25/8 N/A 00:58:49
Lee Buckman 29/05/16 bigfoot cc Q25/8 N/A 1:01:29
Matthew Stammers 29/05/16 bigfoot cc Q25/8 N/A 00:58:18