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Fibrax Fenwicks Wrexham Cycling Club Results

Results for members of Fibrax Fenwicks Wrexham Cycling Club
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Bryn Davies 01/10/17 fibrax wrexham rc (wcttca 11 of 11) DHC/1 N/A
Steve Aston 01/10/17 fibrax wrexham rc (wcttca 11 of 11) DHC/1 N/A
Peter Norman 01/10/17 fibrax wrexham rc (wcttca 11 of 11) DHC/1 N/A
Dyfan Evans 01/10/17 fibrax wrexham rc (wcttca 11 of 11) DHC/1 N/A
anthony harrington 01/10/17 fibrax wrexham rc (wcttca 11 of 11) DHC/1 N/A
stephen hall 30/09/17 city road club (hull)(80 riders pref yorkshire dc clubs)(10 invitation)(total 90 riders)(entries close 10/06/17)(cheques to m philipson) V718 N/A 00:21:26
Nick Giles 30/09/17 warrington road club (2-upttt)(fee per rider) J2/9 N/A 00:59:29
Steve Nicholls 30/09/17 warrington road club (2-upttt)(fee per rider) J2/9 N/A 1:01:49
Steve Aston 24/09/17 birkenhead victoria cc (2-up ttt)(fee per rider) D10/25 N/A 00:22:57
Stephen Jones 24/09/17 birkenhead victoria cc (2-up ttt)(fee per rider) D10/25 N/A 00:24:32
Nick Giles 24/09/17 birkenhead victoria cc (2-up ttt)(fee per rider) D10/25 N/A 00:23:15
David Spencer 24/09/17 birkenhead victoria cc (2-up ttt)(fee per rider) D10/25 N/A 00:22:57
Richard Elmitt 24/09/17 birkenhead victoria cc (2-up ttt)(fee per rider) D10/25 N/A 00:24:32
Steve Nicholls 23/09/17 stretford wheelers (cheshire points seies 20 of 20) J2/9 N/A 1:03:38
Stuart Laurie 23/09/17 stretford wheelers (cheshire points seies 20 of 20) J2/9 N/A 1:22:45
David Jones 23/09/17 stretford wheelers (cheshire points seies 20 of 20) J2/9 N/A 00:58:08
Jan Kardasz 17/09/17 Welsh National Hill Climb Championships (energy cycling club/welsh cycling association) D19-0 N/A
Steve Nicholls 10/09/17 wcttca (wcttca 10 of 11)(cheques to wcttca)(prefence to wcttca club members) D25/8E N/A 1:03:23
Paul Williams 10/09/17 wcttca (wcttca 10 of 11)(cheques to wcttca)(prefence to wcttca club members) D25/8E N/A 1:07:57
Richard Elmitt 10/09/17 wcttca (wcttca 10 of 11)(cheques to wcttca)(prefence to wcttca club members) D25/8E N/A 1:02:18
Russell Ellis 10/09/17 wcttca (wcttca 10 of 11)(cheques to wcttca)(prefence to wcttca club members) D25/8E N/A 1:05:00
Peter Norman 10/09/17 wcttca (wcttca 10 of 11)(cheques to wcttca)(prefence to wcttca club members) D25/8E DNS
Steve Aston 10/09/17 wcttca (wcttca 10 of 11)(cheques to wcttca)(prefence to wcttca club members) D25/8E N/A 00:58:46
Dyfan Evans 10/09/17 wcttca (wcttca 10 of 11)(cheques to wcttca)(prefence to wcttca club members) D25/8E N/A 00:57:35
Peter Norman 27/08/17 north shropshire wheelers (wcttca 9 of 11)(scca 15 of 16) D25/8E N/A 1:24:04