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Fibrax Fenwicks Wrexham Cycling Club Results

Results for members of Fibrax Fenwicks Wrexham Cycling Club
First Name Last Name Date Event Course Pos Result
Carole Griffiths 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Suzanne McDonald 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Rob McDonald 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Graham Darlington 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Gerald Jones 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Roger Squire 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Brian Davies 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00 Claim
David Crawley 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00
Aaron Squire 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Rebecca Lewis 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Paula Jenkins 11/10/09 Fibrax Wrexham N/A 00:00:00 Claim
David Crawley 27/09/09 Weaver Valley CC Hill Climb DNS
D CRAWLEY 19/09/09 Wigan Whs 10 N/A 00:19:40
David Williams 12/09/09 Stone Whs 25 DNS Claim
David Crawley 06/09/09 BTTC Masters A (30-34) N/A 00:46:06
David Crawley 06/09/09 BTTC (Masters) N/A 00:46:06
David Crawley 29/08/09 Manchesters Wheelers 25 DNS
David Crawley 22/08/09 Congleton CC 50 N/A 1:56:54
Paula Jenkins (W) 16/08/09 RTTC Championship 12hr N/A 00:00:00 Claim
David Williams 16/08/09 RTTC Championship 12hr N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Roger Squire 16/08/09 RTTC Championship 12hr N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Narren Jones 16/08/09 RTTC Championship 12hr N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Ian Hawkins 16/08/09 RTTC Championship 12hr N/A 00:00:00 Claim
Roger Squire 25/07/09 RTTC Championship 24Hr (Mersey Roads CC) N/A 00:00:00 Claim
David Crawley 11/07/09 Cheshire Roads Club 50 N/A 1:55:26