Piers Curle (Open)

Vet , (Onyx RT )

CTT Number: 12504

Member since: 14 Sep 16


Upcoming Events




Personal Bests


Date Event Machine Course Distance Club Position Machine Position Result Speed
20-11-2022 Islington CC (Women have priority for 50% of places) Road Bike FHC/3 - SWAIN'S LANE hill climb 2 2 01:30.2 0 Mph
17-07-2022 Farnham RC (4-up TTT)(15 TTT teams)(fee per rider) TT Bike H25/8 25 Miles DNS DNS
20-03-2022 RTTC National Road Bike Championship / Time Trial Centenary Event (Men)(Central District)(Road Bikes Only)(entries close 22/02/22) Road Bike A25/34 25 Miles 5 5 00:54:49 27.364 Mph
10-10-2021 Antelope RT (4 up TTT)(fee per rider) TT Bike P/THRUXTON 11.7 Miles 3 3 00:23:37 29.725 Mph
10-10-2021 Antelope RT (4 up TTT)(fee per rider)(MIXED TEAMS) TT Bike P/THRUXTON 11.7 Miles 2 2 00:25:39 27.368 Mph
13-06-2021 Farnham Road Club (4-up ttt) (130 rider max across 5 events)(fee per rider) TT Bike H25/8 25 Miles 1 1 00:48:58 30.633 Mph
06-06-2021 RTTC National Circuit Championship / Merlin Cycles Classic Series (5 of 6)(South East Midlands DC)( Road bikes only)(Entries close 11/05/21) Road Bike NC16N 32.5 Miles 9 9 1:17:16 25.237 Mph
09-05-2021 Paceline RT (Sporting)(Road Bikes) Road Bike GS/483 15.4 Miles DNS(A) DNS(A)
20-10-2019 Antelope RT - 4 Up Team Time Trial (fee per rider) TT Bike P/THRUXTON 11.7 Miles 2 2 00:24:27 28.712 Mph
09-10-2016 southdown velo TT Bike P911 28 Miles DNS DNS