dan blackburn (Open)

Vet , (VC Norwich )

CTT Number: 2256

Member since: 27 Mar 16


Upcoming Events




Personal Bests


Date Event Machine Course Distance Club Position Machine Position Result Speed
21-04-2019 VTTA (East Anglia Group)(cheques payable to East Anglian VTTA) TT Bike B10/36R 10 Miles 6 6 00:21:51 27.46 Mph
19-04-2019 Great Yarmouth C.C. (Men - 120 riders) TT Bike B10/43 10 Miles DNS(A) DNS(A)
02-03-2019 CC Breckland TT Bike B10/19 10 Miles 5 5 00:21:41 27.671 Mph
22-09-2018 DAP CC TT Bike B10/43 10 Miles 8 8 00:21:51 27.46 Mph
01-09-2018 CC Breckland TT Bike B50/20 50 Miles 10 10 1:49:50 27.314 Mph
14-07-2018 team cambridge (men) TT Bike F2/10D 10 Miles 8 8 00:20:05 29.875 Mph
14-06-2018 CC Breckland (fastest 60 riders) TT Bike B10/3B 10 Miles 13 13 00:21:06 28.436 Mph
12-05-2018 VC Norwich TT Bike B25/8 25 Miles 10 10 00:51:53 28.911 Mph
07-05-2018 VC Baracchi TT Bike B10/43 10 Miles 10 10 00:21:56 27.356 Mph
21-04-2018 CC Breckland TT Bike B10/19 10 Miles 6 6 00:22:05 27.17 Mph
08-04-2018 Diss & District CC (2-up ttt)(fee per rider) TT Bike B25/17 25 Miles 1 1 00:58:25 0.016 Mph
30-03-2018 Great Yarmouth CC (men)(120 riders) TT Bike B10/43 10 Miles 6 6 00:22:22 26.825 Mph
09-09-2017 vtta (pref to east anglian vets) TT Bike E2/10 10 Miles 29 29 00:21:54 223.694 Mph
28-08-2017 vc norwich TT Bike B10/3B 10 Miles 9 9 00:21:06 28.435 Mph
20-05-2017 north norfolk wh cc TT Bike B100/9 100 Miles 18 18 4:25:37 22.589 Mph
13-05-2017 vc norwich TT Bike B25/8 25 Miles 13 13 00:54:00 27.778 Mph
12-02-2017 ely & district cc (hardriders) TT Bike BS19 25 Miles DNS DNS
01-01-2017 cc breckland (entries close 12/12/2016) TT Bike B10/3 10 Miles DNS DNS
10-09-2016 ssll racing team (charity event) TT Bike V718 10 Miles DNS DNS
03-09-2016 team velovelocity (entries close 20/08/2016) TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles 34 34 00:53:44 27.916 Mph
29-08-2016 vc norwich TT Bike B10/3B 10 Miles 22 22 00:21:27 27.972 Mph
07-08-2016 RTTC National Championship (Men) (east dc)(entries close 12/07/2016) TT Bike B25/4 25 Miles 92 92 00:55:09 27.199 Mph
25-06-2016 api - metrow (cheques to c worsford) TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles DNS DNS
18-06-2016 hemel hempstead cc (150 riders) (entries close 04/06/2016) TT Bike F11/10 10 Miles 69 69 00:21:06 28.436 Mph
15-06-2016 cc breckland (fastest 60 riders + 15 tandems) TT Bike B10/3B 10 Miles 18 18 00:21:30 27.906 Mph