Neil Crowther

Vet , (unattached )

CTT Number: 7399

Member since: 20 May 16


Upcoming Events




Personal Bests


Date Event Machine Course Distance Club Position Machine Position Result Speed
22-04-2019 Brighton Mitre CC (hilly) TT Bike GS/999 25 Miles 12 12 1:04:57 23.095 Mph
20-04-2019 Shaftesbury CC (MM Slower than 56.00 LTS) TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles 2 2 00:53:08 28.231 Mph
24-03-2019 Southern Counties CU (sporting) TT Bike G25/43 25 Miles 17 17 1:03:57 23.456 Mph
21-10-2018 brighton mitre cc (men)(max 150 - 3 events) TT Bike G25/93 25 Miles 21 21 1:01:38 24.337 Mph
16-09-2018 southdown velo TT Bike P901/25 25 Miles 16 16 00:58:49 25.503 Mph
08-09-2018 utag rt (Men)(3 events 180 machines) TT Bike P881R 10 Miles DNS(A) DNS(A)
01-09-2018 Icknield RC Charity Event (slower than 20:00 LTS)(150 riders)(pref to LNDC clubs) TT Bike F11/10 10 Miles DNF DNF
25-08-2018 sussex ca TT Bike G10/45 10 Miles 10 10 00:24:36 24.39 Mph
11-08-2018 North Hampshire RC (Inc Wessex VTTA Championship)(pref. to Wessex VTTA members) (50% reserved for women) TT Bike H25/8 25 Miles DNS(A) DNS(A)
31-07-2018 ...a3crg (entries close 25/07/18) TT Bike P883 10 Miles 47 47 00:21:51 27.46 Mph
29-07-2018 sussex ca TT Bike G30/91 0 Miles 12 12 1:13:36 24.456 Mph
21-07-2018 hampshire road club TT Bike P881 10 Miles 43 43 00:21:20 28.125 Mph
15-07-2018 Hounslow & District Wheelers TT Bike H25/8 25 Miles DNS DNS
11-07-2018 ...a3crg (entries close 05/07/18) TT Bike P881 10 Miles 39 39 00:22:22 26.826 Mph
01-07-2018 Oxonian CC TT Bike H25/17 25 Miles 22 22 00:57:45 25.974 Mph
27-06-2018 ...a3crg (Wessex Vets Championship)(entries close 21/06/18) (Two events 80 riders) TT Bike P884/15 0 Miles 22 22 00:33:04 27.218 Mph
24-06-2018 blazing saddles TT Bike P885/50 49.8 Miles 68 68 1:56:09 25.829 Mph
20-06-2018 ...a3crg (80 rider max)(entries close 10/06/18). TT Bike P884B 25 Miles 47 47 00:56:35 26.51 Mph
16-06-2018 sussex ca TT Bike G15/93 0 Miles 15 15 00:36:17 24.804 Mph
10-06-2018 hampshire road club TT Bike P881/25 25 Miles 53 53 00:56:41 26.463 Mph
06-05-2018 sussex ca TT Bike G25/93 25 Miles 27 27 00:58:26 25.67 Mph
05-05-2018 sussex ca TT Bike G10/97 10 Miles 20 20 00:21:57 27.335 Mph
22-04-2018 addiscombe cc (50% priority to women) TT Bike G25/46 25 Miles 9 9 1:00:59 24.597 Mph
15-04-2018 southern counties cu (Association members only) TT Bike G25/47 25 Miles 17 17 1:00:11 24.924 Mph
08-04-2018 sussex ca (2-up ttt)(fee per rider) TT Bike GS/987 0 Miles 9 9 1:10:38 24.209 Mph