start in organford lane approximately 1/3 mile west of bakers arms roundabout on a35) at concrete block at end of armco at metal gate. left on a35 to bere regis by-pass (6.95m) right (2nd exit) to rbt. right (3rd exit) onto a31 to roundhouse rbt (14.15m) left onto a350 to blandford st mary rbt circle and retrace to roundhouse rbt (25.42) left onto a31 to lake gates rbt. circle and retrace to roundhouse rbt straight on to bere regis by-pass rbt. left onto a35 to next rbt. left to bakers arms rbt. straight onto (2nd exit) (47.88m) a35. left onto 1st slip road to rbt a350 circle rbt (4th exit) and rejoin a35 to bakers arms. straight onto (2nd exit). finish at field gate hard standing before road junction sign (50m)