start in lay-by at bulbury lane exit onto a35, 8 yards east of speed restriction sign and 40 yards west of bus stop. proceed on a35 eastbound to bakers arms rbt (1.65m). straight on along a35 to turn at holes bay rbt (5.21m). circle and retrace to bakers arms rbt (8.80m). take first exit (left) onto a351 to turn at holton heath rbt (9.77m). circle and retrace to bakers arms rbt (10.77m). take third exit (right) onto a35 to turn at holes bay rbt (14.41m). circle and retrace to bakers arms rbt (17.99m). take first exit (left) onto a351 to turn at holton heath rbt (18.96m). circle and retrace to bakers arms rbt (19.96m). take third exit (right) onto a35 to turn at holes bay rbt (23.59m). circle and retrace to bakers arms rbt (27.18m). take first exit (left) onto a351 and proceed to turn at holton heath rbt (28.14m). circle and retrace to bakers arms rbt (29.14m). left onto a35 then shortly left at fork onto minor road to finish in lane at a point 170 yards short of organford t junction and 43 yards short of ep.