start on the old a303 at thruxton down, approx 200yds west of underpass. proceed east on the old a303 to join the a303 eastbound. continue on a303 to western end ofandover bypass where left on first slip road after little chef to roundabout. take theright hand lane of the 4th exit, across bridge (care – two way traffic onbridge) to roundabout (5.71m). take 3rd exit (right) to rejoin the a303 westbound.continue on a303 past thruxton motor circuit to parkhouse corner (junction with a338).left into slip road to roundabout (13.16m) where take first left under a303 underpass.take first left to rejoin a303 eastbound. continue along the a303 past thruxton towestern end of andover bypass where left on first slip road after little chef toroundabout. take the right hand lane of the 4th exit, across bridge (care – two waytraffic on bridge) to roundabout (20.16m). take 3rd exit (right) to rejoin the a303 westbound to thruxton motor circuit exit. left on slip road to finish in slip road opposite highways hut.