Start at Shoot Hill, Hipley. (SU6183910618) at lay-by at top of hill. Take right bend to Forest Road, past Horse and Jockey PH and bear left at Chairmakers PH (SU628117 1.1m) Continue to end of Fareham road to turn left at junction with Hambledon road (SU641140 2.8m). Through Hambledon village and bear left at junction with West street (SU643148 3.4m) to remain on B2150 Green lane. Continue out of Hambledon and turn left at staggered X roads (SU628175 5.4m) into Long lane. To Soberton village, road becomes West street, Cole hill, High street, Webbs green, Plough lane and then bear right at junction with Ingoldfield lane (SU611147 7.9m) on to Maybush lane. End of road follow the road left into Kiln Hill (SU607138 8.7m). Road becomes Church road. Continue straight ahead at Newtown X roads (SU610130 9.3m). Church road becomes Shoot Hill and finish (SU6155511789 10.1m) 0.2 miles past junction with Goathouse lane.