Funtington/Chichester/Lavant/West Stoke B2178/A286 Distance 10 miles
START in Common Road at Churchers Corner opposite an abandoned post for a GPO Pillar box in a Lay-by, east of crossroads with B2147 (SU 775084).
PROCEED East on Common Road to Funtington to join B2146. Continue on B2146/B2178 via Funtington and East Ashling to Northgate RAB at Chichester. (6.1 Miles) (SU 860052).
Take 1st Exit on to A286 and proceed North to Lavant RAB (SU 857080). Take 1st Exit to stay on A286 to the Church in Mid Lavant where turn Left on to Downs Road (8.3 Miles) (SU 855086).
Proceed West on Downs Road to:
FINISH in West Stoke opposite TP621 outside of 1 Lye Court Cottage and 15 Yards before Lye Lane and West Stoke Village Hall. (10 Miles) (SU 829085)
NB. This Course may only be used for Type B events as the distance between the Start and Finish is 3¼ miles.