start on the b3399 limerstone road, east of brighstone village by a gated entrance to a field, 20 metres before the 30 mph signs approaching the village. head west into brighstone to turn left at the church into new road, and follow to the military road. turn left to follow the military road to chale. turn left just past the church into chale st. at chale green - continue, bearing right along appleford road. at cross roads - turn left over bleak down to rookley up to a3020 main road where left, then left again into highwood lane. turn left at end & proceed over chillerton to becketts cross, where turn right through kingston, to shorwell roundabout. turn left along b3399 through limerstone, brighstone, mottistone & hulverstone, to turn left and left again at brook, to military road. turn left and follow military road for the second lap - this time going straight on at chale over blackgang, to niton, where follow one way system, to turn left into newport road. follow over bleak down to rookley, up to a3020 main road where left, then left again into highwood lane. turn left at end & proceed over chillerton to becketts cross, where turn right through kingston, to shorwell roundabout. turn left along b3399 through limerstone, brighstone, mottistone & hulverstone, to turn left and left again at brook, to military road. turn left and follow military road as far as brighstone. turn left into new road to finish opposite an unmarked lay-by on the southbound carriageway, approx 100 metres before reaching brighstone village sign